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Making a Billy Machin inspired sci-fi gun. WIP

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Audelomar polycounter lvl 2
Inspired by this concept created by Billy Machin to make a weapon similar to his. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RRWOD

The goal with this weapon is to keep those nice Machin silhouette and most of the form while also tweaking the functionality of the gun to better represent something mechanical or functional. This weapon while cool in concept doesn't seem to fit the human hand.

First Pass/ Blockout of the Weapon

Second pass of the weapon with tweaks in the form and a stronger focus on what a player would see in fist person.


  • EditorJay
    Wow Looks really great! Keep up!! Barrel proportion looks a little shorter but I guess you did for a gameplay camera?
  • blueblur22
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    blueblur22 polycounter lvl 6
    I LOVE bullpup style guns. The first person perspective on this one is really cool. If you're having trouble with the ergonomics of the weapon, I would suggest you take some design ideas from the FNH P90 (or the FNH PS90 if you want the long barrel version). It's a fantastic bullpup design and having spent a lot of time at the range using one I can say it's easily the most comfortable rifle I've ever held. Conveniently, your model also seems to have the same unique clip designed for the P90.

    A few things to note when designing a gun like that:
    + Where are the spent casings going to eject from the gun? (it can't be anywhere that will hit the user on the way out)
    + How is the magazine replaced? (and will that animate well for an fps)
    + Does the weapon fit well to hold

    I agree yours looks like it wont fit very well. Take a look into the P90 and how it's held and see if you can come up with a solution from that. (I'd probably start by reshaping the back hole where the thumb goes through. I don't think a large adult male hand would have a chance of fitting)

  • Audelomar
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    Audelomar polycounter lvl 2
    Wow, some good feedback here. These are great references. Will take all of this into account!
  • Audelomar
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    Audelomar polycounter lvl 2
    Continuing this weapon with a harder emphasis on the sci-fi aesthetic from the original concept. Added a few "charging" wires since I see this weapon much like the fusion rifles seen in Destiny.
    Moved and tweaked the shapes of the holes to better fit the human hand.
    Here is a quick paint over of what I think I the final color scheme will be.
    As always feedback is welcome!!
  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    The base concept is really nice, but I would have made it a little more longer (more rifle, less pistol :) ).
    Also please do not add random cables/forms. It`s always "Form follows function", no realistic/believable gun will have this exposed wirings (you can easily get stuck with them and cut them when moving the weapon in a firefight). 
    If you want wiring, integrate them into the weapon, cut some slides into the frame which the wires follow etc. 
  • Audelomar
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    Audelomar polycounter lvl 2
    Had a couple hours this week to work on this again. Refining shapes but trying to keep the silhouette. Pretty torn on the wires. I like the way they bring in a  sense of flow to the design, leading the eye from one shape to another, but I feel it may be cumbersome.
    Will continue to teak and define shapes. Update soon. 
  • Audelomar
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    Audelomar polycounter lvl 2

    Finished the weapon! made a few skins based on the original concept.
  • AirmanEpic
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    AirmanEpic polycounter lvl 6
    Looking very good, my dude. I'd love to see how you went from low to high poly maps, your UVs, and your substance layout - purely so I can learn how to improve my own weapons. I'm sorry I don't have any more detailed critique!
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