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Bears In Space WIP

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BucketOfNuggets polycounter lvl 6
Hey all what's crackin, haven't posted in a long while and thought I should get back in  to the habit.

Been working on a game with a mate on the side, it's a fast paced shooter in the same style of Doom, Quake etc but set in a 60s SciFi Film Set

Got a quick vid below of gameplay if anyone is keen to check it out in action! Still a long way to go but always keen for feedback!


  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    So are you playing as a bear, or are there evil bears controlling the robots?
    Gameplay looks pretty great so far. Are you planning on adding the classic Doom weapons or focus on more scifi stuff such as lasers?
    Good luck, I hope this project goes well :smiley:
  • BucketOfNuggets
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    BucketOfNuggets polycounter lvl 6

    The name is a place holder right now, the original idea is that you play as a person who gets merged into a man/bear hybrid due to a black hole. Sounds stupid but it would fit in with most of the goofy stories from that era haha

    As for the weapons, we have 3 in game so far with a few others in the prototype/block out stage. For the most part it will be laser/phaser/plasma but we have plans for a ton of joke style weapons as well as your usual explosive based stuff. What you see in the gameplay vid is our Scattergun (shotgun) 

  • BucketOfNuggets
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    BucketOfNuggets polycounter lvl 6
    Been a while since I've done an update. Things are progressing nicely, still very much WIP level but it finally feels like it is all coming together. Also have an animation of one of our bravest bots getting startled by the enemy. Always keen for feedback

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