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Best Way to Practice Anatomy & Portfolio Critique (3D)

polycounter lvl 9
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apollo580 polycounter lvl 9
Hi All,

I'm trying to improve my art and am trying to focus on getting male/female anatomy down. All my learning has been self taught with tutorials and anatomy books but I'm trying to see how I can improve and speed up my learning. What are some suggestions and strategies you use/used for learning anatomy. I'm not seeing much progress right now and am worried that I'm not learning the best way I can.

Typically I pull up a bunch of references and start sculpting my model. I try and carve out the planes of the face for example and then proceed to work on that. Should I be doing something else? Are there any really good tutorials I can watch?

Below is my artstation to showcase my current skill set, all critique is welcome:


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I can't attest to the efficacy of this method as it's my first time doing it, but I've been working on this tiger and kept feeling like something was fundamentally off with the face. So I found a scanned model of a tiger skull, and decided to put together an ecorche muscle by muscle, then layer the skin and fat on top of that. Sure enough, now I can see that because I didn't start with the underlying bone structure, I had some important proportions off. Very small amounts but it was enough to make the whole thing feel wrong.

    One benefit to this very slow but thorough way of working is that it's taken a lot of guesswork out. I had struggled to understand the shape of the lips (seems simple, but just couldn't get it right.) By building up from the bones to the muscles to the skin, now its a simple matter of laying one layer on top of the other, and it ends up looking just right. 

    Seems like a good way to learn so far. Humans have a lot more reference available, so maybe you don't need to go so far. If you haven't used some 3d ecorches to study right alongside your own models as you work, I'd recommend that. I think that helped me a lot with human anatomy.
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Maybe post one/few of your anatomy studies and what do you want to know more specifically and why , saw on your artstation that you are interested in stylized stuff is that it ? Clear this things in your head and maybe after that can give you some directions
    General tips for learning anatomy : find mentor , learn to simplified , draw for half an hour everyday [anatomy related drawings-> overlays on images or copying muscle charts or even better step by step exercise from a book] or just learn anatomy charts -> look trying to memorize , learn muscle names ,origin insertion ,basic form , muscle relation  to one another ,outline of the body .... then what make the outline .... million more things :)

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