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Augmented Female WIP/CC Welcome!

polycounter lvl 7
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moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
Hey all, working on this for a little while. At the moment I'm just breaking up forms and trying to ideate shapes for the body. 
Plan to retopo after I figure out the general shapes for the whole character. 


  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    So I found this old model from when I last posted this. Just recently started to redo...everything lol 

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    What sort of initial read are you trying to get with the whole suit?

  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Initial read in what sense? Like materials?
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    More like tone, the "character" of the character, role, purpose. etc.

    Like how some people see wide hips as "she would make a good mother."
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Well initially it was a vague idea but since I recently picked this old sculpt back up it has evolved into more of an android femme fatal/assassin. Future models of weapons and detail sculpting for battle history will help convey this.
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    This update brings some anatomy tweaks and a ton of alpha coverage. 
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Pretty cool!  Looking forward to more...
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @slosh Thanks for the interest/comment!

    Finished the high poly and now I'm working on the low poly for the character. Made some preliminary cards to cover the head for the final hairstyle. I did this while working on the high poly for a change of scenery. 
  • Echo864
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    Echo864 null
    Really love this sculpt! I'm amazed at how much detail you managed to capture in the panels on her body and how you've made them reflect the musculature so well. The only thing I would say is that she's quite short and stocky, maybe that's what you're going for but usually with a "femme fatale/assassin" character they tend to be more agile and with heroic proportions. Your model is currently about 6 and a half - 7 heads high, the average is 7 and a half and heroic is 8. Plus, she's rocking this badass hairstyle and epic space suit and yet her large hips and short legs imply she's about to go pick up her kids from space camp. I know it's unlikely you'll change it at this stage, it's a bit late but I just thought maybe it would be something to consider going forwards. I also did a quick liquify filter in photoshop just to illustrate what I mean. (And also because I'm procrastinating and don't want to finish my own project :P) 

    Keep up the good work though! Can't wait to see the end result! How did you make the panels btw? Do you use zmodeller?
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @Echo864 hey thanks for your feedback! 

    Yeah don't totally disagree with you. You're definitely right in terms of overall proportion being a bit stocky. I think in the process of using the base mesh to create an overall exosuit, that it got a bit away from me. It has to fit her shape so it inevitably expands a bit around her. I however modeled her to be more in line with a realistic women's proportions(not necessarily average stay at home mom lol) and not so much the typical heroic scale. 

    To be honest, it may not be too late to pull it back a bit. I'll definitely give it a shot and see how it'll work/look. The only question is how it'll look once it's posed in its current state. It's hard to get a good read for how well a model will look in a T pose. 

    In terms of how I made the hard surface work, that credit is all deserved to the crazy good guys at Keos Masons!

    A little while ago they did a interview/tutorial via artstation. I followed that and modified its workflow to my needs. 

    You can find that tutorial here:

    Instead of poly paint I used masking because you can sharpen outline as well as grow/shrink at will. Little more control. 

    The rest is heavy alpha work and a modified Dam standard brush. If you modify the lazy mouse settings with a higher snap distance and (I forget the the other setting) you can pull clean lines, straight lines as well as continue from previous strokes without overlapping/doubling over the previous line. Perfect for 90 degree angles. 

    I can upload settings later if you're interested. 

  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    So I finally found the time to finish this character up. Thanks to everyone that popped in to creep or critique!

  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    Nicely done!
    Though, about the design, why is her butt unprotected?
    Was just wondering since its the only part of her that isn't armored/covered in someway.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Great work! Love the details, especially the neck front. The face is quite attractive. Im a bit of a fan of longer proportions, like Echo864 illustrated, but that is a personal thing. The face skin appears very even atm. Perhaps some specularity on the oil spots would help punch it out a bit. Like the forehead, top cheeks and nose. With the structure I guess the chin is a no go, but the lips would definitely benefit from some spec.

  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @NikhilR So the logic/design aspects I had for the suit revolved around her still being able to move practically. All yellow parts are like muscle fibers to be flexible. They're located in the pecs, pits of the arms/legs, scapula and glutes. All black parts are flexible as well. 

    @kanga Yeah I think you and Echo were right in terms of proportions. The high poly was already at a point where rescaling would have been insane. I was happy to make the changes if it wasn't so far into the project. In terms of the spec, its there but I think it gets washed out with the lighting. It could definitely use the oil and imbalance your speaking of. Maybe too high the spec cavity
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    I wonder how she'd look with a half skirt like the clone troopers in star wars.
    Right now the butt is the first thing that catches my attention which is fine, if that is the intention

    Maybe it stands out because its the largest exposed part, reminds me a bit of the crisis suit, though their design is more balanced between the muscular threads and metallic elements.

    Nothing wrong with it being a conceptual piece, just an observation.
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    @NikhilR Yeah the intention was to have the materials be separated by color. To help the eye distinguish the different materials and shapes. I was trying to get balance since the overall design was so detailed oriented. I tried separate parts to cover more of it but in the end, it seems more impractical with the way I tried to design around it with more metals. And yes, you hit the nail on the head, the main inspiration for fibers was in fact crisis. 
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