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Low-poly models with pixel textures, texture dimensions on big models?

polycounter lvl 5
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hanso polycounter lvl 5

Hi everyone, 

I hope you guys can help me out. I’m right now in the planning of a retro 3D game made in Unity3d and I’m having some headache with the 3D-models. I want to include a “playstation 1”/ 3D retro art style with pixelated textures on the models and environment. But I’m struggling with these kind of pixel textures (I’m not the best with the UV mapping procedure and hand-draw textures). My main 3D modeling software is Cinema4D.

Lets have a look at this spider guy here: 


Imaging him in 2 versions: first with 1x1 meters (small guy) and a bigger 10x10 meter version. If I would model the small one first and simply resize it, the texture would also be rescaled, 1 Pixel would be huge compared to 1 pixel of the small guy. (I’m using a 256x256 px texture map). So, does the bigger guy also needs a bigger texture map right? (f.ex. 2048x2048).

How can I be sure, that all (additional) small models have the same pixel dimensions on the textures? Do I have to define this in the uv-unwrapping process?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my cryptic English, its not my native language


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