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[Zbrush] quality of the hard surface sculpt?

polycounter lvl 4
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3dcaster polycounter lvl 4

I asked about the crit for this sculpt is separate thread but it was burried under others. 
Could you please let me know if the quality of the sculpt is good enought? I would like to start a low poly modeling now. 

This is a personal, real time, portfolio piece.
Simple prop, but I need to make it industry standard.
Thanks for the time and effort!
 I do not want to spam the forum but i need a crit before i proceed further
have a good day.


  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey man, I think its good enough in terms of smoothness (not being wobbly with surfaces), which is often what people will complain about when doing zbrush hardsurface.  However, there are a few things that could use improvement still. A few areas look weird like the part of the grip where you hold to release the drill bit.  Those should be insets, not like jammed in pieces.  I would look for similar things all around and make sure it really looks like a machined item.  Also, the line thickness in a bunch of areas will be a problem, especially since this will be a game asset where normal maps will define these details.  Specifically check the line thickness on that grip area.  Lastly, some of the larger shapes are a little off as well.  Its subtle but it does make a big difference honestly.  One example would be where the handle meets the top of the drill in the back.  Its squared off there and not a round smooth transition from the side.

    So long story short, your doing fine in zbrush with the hardsurface, but you need to focus on some general modeling attributes of this drill in order for it to actually look correct once its baked down.  I don't think it would really matter what program you use at this point to get there, so just keep working at it!
  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    I agree with @BradMyers82 (Hi Brad!) - the actual quality of the sculpt is really nice and smooth, but there are some proportional things that don't match your photo ref. I'm assuming you're trying to replicate the photo ref as much as possible since you posted it here, so I've done a paintover to show things that I noticed (some of which Brad already touched on). Sorry if my handwriting is awful :P 

  • Zi0
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    Zi0 polycounter
    There are still some likeness and proportion issues like mentioned above by @Carabiner
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    In my experience changing programs help refresh your eyes so you can spot more easily whats wrong
    I suggest you take a screengrab and put it side by side with your reference and then just have fun playing spot the differences like in old days :)
  • 3dcaster
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    3dcaster polycounter lvl 4
    Hello All. 
    Thanks carvulieroZi0Carabiner adn BradMyers82 for your time and crit. 
    Time for a quick update of the issues I managed to fix. 

    I fixed some of the issues. Frankly i fixed the issues that i could giving limited time. 
    Created insets, added details on the grip, fixed some of the proportions and  boolean shapes.  Viewport of zbrush makes my model looks more pixelated that it actually is. The edges are actualy clean as per second snap

     Decimated versiion below in maya. 
    It is cut to materials  with polygroups -> each polygroup exported to MAYA as a separate object -> materials assigned in Maya -> put back together for baking

    Would this method be kosher:) in a production environment? 

    Low poly , topology and UV
    How does it look to you? Where are the instances that looks amateur?
    Texel density is 154 with 4k map size.

    Below are some screanshots of the test bake i did at the beguining.  I am actually still making low poly but I needed to see the result of the modeling in SP. 
    This is absolutely raw bake with only materials added by ID maps. no manual corrections so far.

    Please let me know what i need to improve. Have a good day!

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