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Simon Belmont

polycounter lvl 2
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MrDarkPotato polycounter lvl 2
Sculpt of Simon Belmont from Castlevania Judgement did mainly to practice and study.
Head is a lot different than original concept simply because I didn't like the one shown in the concept.
Concept by Takeshi Obata.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Arms are proportionally stunted and short.  Hands should be reaching halfway down the thighs.

    Face looks anatomically really bad.  Do you have additional turnaround close ups of it?

    Hair needs to be finessed more.

    His torso muscles are way too flat in the depth axis.

    As was asked before in your previous anatomy critique thread, where is your reference(s) and can you post them here?  Anything akin to a mood board even if you're imagining the design from scratch?
  • Zer02Her0
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    Zer02Her0 triangle

    Can you post the concept that you are working from too? :)
  • MrDarkPotato
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    MrDarkPotato polycounter lvl 2
    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Sorry totally forgot, about the reference.

    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Face is tragic I know... but I wanted to wrap the project up since it's taking way too long.
    About the arms, last time I checked they do reach the point you are talking about it's just that they are bend so they might seem like short.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    No, your arms are short.  

    The big contributing issue is the hands.

    They look like baby hands; their proportions needs fixing and scaled upwards.  The palm should be able to cover the mouth and nose, fingers reaching up the hairline roughly if the fingers are reaching to the skies.

    Forerms could use a half-head length extra stretch.

    Hair doesn't reflect the concept and is readay lumpy. Seperate the hair into smaller volumes of subtools for cleanliness.

    If you're gonna wrap this project up now, you're gonna have so many issues you can't fix in texturing and you're going to end up with a terrible looking character when instead you could have had an awesome portfolio piece.

    Leg's do NOT make sense.  How are the shin guards even staying one when the straps don't wrap all the way around the calves?  Those read mroe like a boot than shin guards or sabatons.

    We can help your face sculpt if you post closer turnaround shots of it. What I can see for sure right now is that the guys lacks a jawline that makes anatomical sense.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Listen to Brian, your anatomy needs a lot of work; nearly every part of it.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Hair is still lumpy.  Unless you're just blocking in a volume to later transition it into alpha cards for hair, it looks bad.  Seperate and sharpen it into multiple smaller volumes.

    Your head anatomy: you need to at least start nailing the large forms.  I recommend recreating the Asaro Planar Head, for which afisher has a free ZTL file for on Polycount that you can take a look at.
    • Corner of the lips don't poke into the face.
    • Upper lip is poorly defined.
    • Cheekbones and zygomatic arch are unnaturally sunk in
    • No jowls or mouth muscles.
    • Chin has wrong forms
    • The planes going from forehead to nose bridge look off.
    • Where are the wings of the nose?
    Sternocleidoid Mastoid muscle terminates way too far apart from each other at the collar bone.

    Collar bones need definition.

    Use google to find good reference.
  • MrDarkPotato
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    MrDarkPotato polycounter lvl 2
    @Brian "Panda" Choi
    Thanks a lot for help again! 
    I bought some anatomy books so I’m looking forward to next projects! They will definitely have better anatomy. 
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