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Modo normal map artifacts

polycounter lvl 3
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streamdream polycounter lvl 3
Hello, I am very new to Modo but I am trying to make a switch to it from Maya, because last summer I used modo to do some modelling and I really took a liking to the program! So right now I am trying to learn to bake normal maps with rounded edge shading (with various edge sizes using sets) since that would be super usefull!
I followed alot of different tutorials. However I keep getting normal map artifacts that looks like flipped faces/ normals, as if the cage wasn't big enough or as if I had stacked uvs. I usually don't have any problems when baking normal maps in Xnormal, Marmouset or Maya I don't know what is causing it but it has to be something I missed in Modo.
This is what I have done so far to try to fix the problem.

-I have increased the size of the mesh to make baking easier.

-I have runned mesh cleanup on all meshes.

-I have removed the uv map for the high poly since it wont need it.

-I have made a cage and an explode using morph maps.

-I have softed all the edges on the low poly except the uv seem edges they are hardend.

-I tried with a test scene and got fairly good results, so something has to be wrong with the scene I am baking from?

Yet I keep getting artifacts and it doesn't even look like it is baking the rounded edges like before. If anyone know what might be causing it I would really appreciate the help, thank you!


  • streamdream
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    streamdream polycounter lvl 3
  • Goco
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    Goco triangle

     I take a look at your file. The main problem was that you didn't have the highpoly material and in that material group have different selection sets for rounded shader. Also, there was none hard edges assignment and vertex normal on lowpoly ( maybe lost on import or something ).

     And you don't need to apply morph influence on cage as you are using the baking wizard ( it automatically or you assign cage if you have any cage created ), only if you want export cage and bake in different software. Personally, I don't triangulate mesh before and after baking, only if I have some mesh cracking on baking, add extra support ( but I add them on the fly during modeling ). Because it's very hard to make any changes on the cage or model. On exporting mesh, set in the preferences to triangulate the mesh.
     You don't need to create a tangent normal in the mesh list as you have a texture that is set to normal map ( so, it's basically the same thing ). Also, set textures that you want to bake for every lowpoly model material. That way you have a clean shader tree to select in backing wizard or add extra textures to bake. 

    Always delete UVs in high poly if you don't need, it's lower file size and saves project way quicker.

    You don't need so high AA on render settings for backing, 8 or max 16 is more than enough and UV edge padding depends on texture size in preferences.   

    Here is the download link of the new file - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O60F3jWdWu-HF6gLmvtJhBGhz5r6oyHc

    Also, I increase a rounded shader width by double for better looking model in the game, otherwise looks to sharp and lowpoly.

  • streamdream
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    streamdream polycounter lvl 3
    Thank you for the quick reply Goco and thanks for taking a look at the scene/ providing a updated version, really helpfull!
    I appreciate it a ton! I have made some progress and made a way better bake now, but still not perfect.

    There are a few things you mentioned that I don't understand since I am new to modo.

    So the problem was that I didn't have a base material in the group that had the edge roundness sets for the hp?

    Why have you added constants to the sets in your scene, what are they used for?

    But I use a morph to create the cage from the lp mesh? Or is there a other way?

    Also could you explain this a bit? "Also, set textures that you want to bake for every lowpoly model material. That way you have a clean shader tree to select in backing wizard or add extra textures to bake."

    Once more, thank you a lot for taking the time!!

  • Goco
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    Goco triangle
    Not a problem Streamdream.

    What problems do you have with the baking ?

     The best way is to create materials for model ( metal, plastic, chrome, etc. ) and in each material have edge roundness selection setup. That way you can control edge roundness and add extra textures, occlusions etc., that is only for example. metal.

     Constants are added ( there are set to 1% opacity, so they don't show in render ) to each selection set in different color. That way you can see in the viewport is set to large, medium, small or noone selection for your rounded shader. As you can see in your highpoly model. 

     Don't need to apply morph influence on cage if you are bake in Modo. Only on exploding mesh you need to apply morph influence. Not need on the cage, only when you going to export cage to use in different software to bake ( quixel, substance, xnormal etc. ).

     Same as for the highpoly materials, create lowpoly materials for each model. In that material, set textures that you want to bake. Just like in updated file. That way you can easily select in backing wizard what to bake.
  • streamdream
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    streamdream polycounter lvl 3
    Hi again Goco. Im so sorry I haven't replied before now, but I have recently moved and began school again so I currently have no internet at my new apartment. So Im writing this from the school network were I don't have modo so I can check.
    Now I understand what constants are used for, thank you but don't you need morph influences on the cage? How else would you go around making the cage?

    I will try baking again in Modo once I have time, once again a huge thank you for your help!!!
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