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Sci Fi Sniper Rifle "Call of the Wild"

polycounter lvl 12
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Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
Call of the wild
"The Hunted Becomes the Hunter"

Hey guys just started up a new project to chip away on
Take a look and let me know what you guys think. its an energy based sniper rifle.
I really want to play with the melding of natural elements and sci fi tech.
I want to add fur to the cheek rest and a feather to the Silencer as well as a leather strap with some beads on it...I also want to experiment with worn tape and mud.
Let me know what you guys think :)


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Did a bit of work tonight....elongated the weapon added a hand hold....some details and added more bones...but check it out let me know what you think :)
  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    Interesting design. Is it supposed to be an energy weapon?
    The silencer seems a bit obsolete since the "barrel" is completely open :smile:
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    @CybranM Thanks man, yeah it discharges electrified/purified energy and the waste/heat is discharged through the skull...some of that energy is then recapurted and injected into the "fusion" chamber for a more powerful follow up shot.....the "silencer" part of the gun acts like a a compressor to compress the energy into a bolt....at least thats how i envisioned it working lol
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Tonight i focused on the skull since it needed some love so check it...comments crits always welcome! 
    i also did some minor tweaks to the body and added the block out for where the fur will go :)

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12

    It has definitely been a while since ive been able to carve out some time for this thing
    started some of the HP shapes....still need to refine the scope....fur and the skull area needs an overall pass but yeah lol
    Comments ...crits totally welcome! 

  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    Not a bad start, my only problem is that the whole design looks not believable. 
    It feels like the usual: "It's scifi, so lets smash some kitbashes on it without thinking why…"

    I would reiterate this one, try to find a explanation of how it works, what is it made of, what is it's function (sniper rifle isn't equal sniper rifle) and then build up the form based on this (Form follows function). 
    This way you build a more realistic and believable weapon. 
  • Cordero
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    Cordero polycounter
    a cool idea indeed! up to a point I agree with @Dethling most of the stuff should definitely make sense on the weapon, but I think some harmless small details and such can be there without any reason why I believe, after all it mainly has to look cool :D 
    it might worth thinking about replacing the ram skull on the front with maybe a hawk, or eagle, since a ram skull that big is most likely from a tiny little baby ram, which is not that intimidatiing. a full grown eagle skull also matches the sniper concept a lot better, and could be more threatening.
    its off to a good start, looking forward to what you come up with ;)
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Did a bit of work last night.....kinda gutted the weapon....but i want to take it in a more gruesome direction....dark space magic and bones....added more bone to the weapon...the barrels are going to be potted bone...I want to add more leather straps and a sling to the weapon...maybe even a few tiny bloody skulls (like of baby imps or some other tiny demon) but let me know what yall think of this later interation.  

    Thank you man...i am currently reworking the shapes now....i would liek the gun to make .....kinda sense....the direction i took it, in its more recent adaptation is dark space magic and bones...but i still want it to make sense lol

    good point on the ram skull....oh i like the eagle idea, ill have to see how that looks :)

  • alytlebird
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    alytlebird interpolator
    I'm a fan of the new direction, although I did like the ram's skull at the front of the old design. I'd say try to decide on what story this weapon is telling... Was it originally a regular techy rifle, then corrupted/twisted/infected into this version? Or was it created from scratch, specifically to be a fusion of tech and bone? Is it actually just a tech rifle with bones and teeth glued onto it? Is it a sentient rifle, slowly twisted by the dark presence possessing it? You've got the base concept, but deciding solidly on how it came to be this way will help inform your design decisions down the road.

    If you want a bit more inspiration for a more corrupted direction, check out the weapon designs from Scorn. They're... disturbing, let's say.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    @alytlebird oh very good points! you have got me thinking now :)
    I think it would be really cool to take it in a direction that it is an "ancient"/ relic that was used to kill a very powerful demon but in the final moments the weapon was broken and part of the demon fell onto the rifle and grew into what it is now
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12

    Little more work tonight....started to add block outs for tissue/growth on the gun

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Happy Friday!!!
    Did a bit of work the rifle last night....I feel it needs more Gore/Muscle tissue
    What do yall think :) have an epic day!

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Kinda forgot to put an image lol
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Happy Friday!!! Did a bit more work on the gun last night....expanding the gore area....i think it still needs more lol

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Happy Tuesday all!
    Almost ready to kick this puppy to zbrush....need to put some love into the strap....and the top bones of the scope..and then start playing with fur

    so weird @alytlebird hopefully the latest image is showing now :)  
  • alytlebird
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    alytlebird interpolator
    I think your image links might not be working? That is if you're even posting images...
  • alytlebird
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    alytlebird interpolator
    Definitely working now. :) I dig it! I especially like the details you're adding below the barrel, the downward-facing teeth sunken into the grip area. Looking forward to seeing what you whip up in Zbrush.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    A bone study...some mesh issues came up while sculpting so ill be retopologizing the mesh when i do it for real :) 
    For what ever reason it is not letting upload an image -_- so here is an imgur link in the mean time lol
    Happy Friday :D 
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    wooo it finally let me post the image...so here we go :)
    Happy Thursday Polycount :) 

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