Some update on the crate game asset tutorial and general Blender studying. Done the modelling of different parts. Had some problems with Bend feature in Simple Deform modifier. So spent some time how to use it properly - as a result using Empty Axis object to manipulate behaviour of the modifier helped a lot.
Then made a smoothed SubD version.
Then practised sculpting in Blender. Liked the Constant detail feature in Dyntopo, in oppose to relative detail that constantly messed up my shading depending on the distance of the camera.
Next steps would be retopology, UV, baking and texturing. Thanks for watching.
Done the modelling of different parts.
Had some problems with Bend feature in Simple Deform modifier. So spent some time how to use it properly - as a result using Empty Axis object to manipulate behaviour of the modifier helped a lot.
Then practised sculpting in Blender.
Liked the Constant detail feature in Dyntopo, in oppose to relative detail that constantly messed up my shading depending on the distance of the camera.
Thanks for watching.
Blender [3D] Learning Diary 003 - Asset Creation
Done retopology, UV, baking and texturing as well as rendering and uploading to Artstation.
My Artstation:
This model and process was a good reminder of the workflow.
Next i want to practise some modelling...