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TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
Alrighty, putting the ATI girl aside because I saw a concept that I liked more! I've been feeling that I'm not pushing myself with sculpting so I'm opting for a more detailed design! I saw this Witch character by Kim Ha Yeong over on artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EBv1A so I thought I'd give it a go. Pretty much all of it is still in the beginner phase: I still have to block out some more things. 

Detail shots! It was intersting to make the strips... and tedious to make the dots ( I need to find another method of making them instead of hand placing them :/)
The strips on her arms won't stay red, they're just that color so I can see them.
Overall I think I have a pretty good start, although I feel like her body proportions are still a little off, like her legs are too short? I'm not too sure.
Critique and comments are super welcome and appreciated! :)


  • 5rov
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    5rov triangle
    Hey dude, nice start! Looks like a fun project, your link to the concept is broken tho.
    I think her nose/nose area could use some more work, it's a bit wide. Her philtrum is a bit too deep and maybe needs to be a bit longer. Her nasolabial sulcus is also rather harsh for a girl her age, try to blend those shapes a bit better and less prominent.(but if that's not what you're going for then don't) Overall I think you're in the right direction and according to the concept she looks a bit more slender and lanky in her legs/belly.
    Are you going for a realistic look or doing the concept 1 to 1?
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    @5rov Thank you! Darn, maybe this link will work?
    Alright, I see what you mean. I'll go back and make those changes. 
    I was going towards a more realistic approach but I might stretch her proportions to how CD project red did it in the Witcher
    Because she looks very short compared to the concept
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    Update! I meant to do this last Friday to make it a weekly thing, but I kept wanting to add a little bit more before I posted. I changed the outfit a little bit as well because it started to bother me how open her get up was.I lengthened her legs to fit the concept more,and I think it's quite an improvement!Smoothed out her face a little as well and made her nose less pronounced and smaller. Eyelashes are place holder until I make the real ones.
    Sculpted more jewelry and accessory detail. I might stop here with the necklaces because I don't want her outfit to look any more crowded.

    Still placeholder hair! made a rough block out of the feather hood. I want to start placing those some time this week.
    So the focus this week is to place the feathers, refine her lower half, and detail some of the other pieces like her corset/strap stuff.
    Critique is welcome and appreciated!
  • dGreenberg
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    dGreenberg polycounter
    Hey @TaulNotShort, I think she's coming along great! The face is really well done, and I think you're really nailing those details. I think it makes sense to change some of the outfit around, but the bottom part of the outfit feels a little less "flowing-witchy" and a little more "rough-and-tumble barbarian" right now, if that makes sense? I feel like it doesn't blend as well with the rest of her concept, but with it being WIP early on that might totally change as you refine it. Looking forward to seeing more updates! She looks awesome
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Solid Proportions, and nice detail coming along.
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    @dGreenberg Thank you so much! I do get what you mean; I've probably changed it like three times in trying to figure out what fits her lower half, and I wasn't even sure about this design either! I might dive deeper into pinterest to find something that has a "witchier" vibe to it.

    @PeterK Thank you!
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    Shorter update this time! I'll hopefully have a bigger one come this Friday!
    I think I finally got a design I'm happy with for the skirt! It needs to be refined a little more so it doesn't look so soggy, which should be p easy. Then after that a little quick texture and some holes maybe and that'll be that!how to diy tutorial tattered fairy leather wrap skirt - Google Search
    The upper part of the skirt is based off this image from Pinterest: I thought it had some good layering and was pretty interesting visually.
    Also changed the ribbons on her corset, and added stitches and a few more tears and wrinkles.
    I'm glad to even have shown this much, since my zpr file got corrupted or ran out of memory or whatever somethingwentwrong and I thought I lost it all! Thankfully I saved all the stuff as ztools so if it really can't open I have those at least.
    Critique is welcome!
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    Update! Oh man, I'm so excited! I think I'm pretty much done with sculpting her accessories and stuff, and I just need to add the tertiary and secondary details to some pieces and then I can finally start retopologizing ( I want to be able to get to that by Monday at the latest).I'm pretty happy with this! Found a braid IMM which was really handy! I also made my own hair card for strays and the feathers of course. I still have the place holder lump underneath the feathers that I might keep so her hood isn't so translucent when I make the feathers.  Added some  more crevices to her horns and will either add the striations in zbrush or substance, can't decide :/
    Tweaked her face a little because there was something about her lips that I didn't like looking at. Put a little more work into the ears although they probably need some more love.
    Made some Fibermesh eyebrows that I think came out alright. Won't be keeping the eyelashes! Those will be cards that I'll place in Maya.She has a belt now! And more feathers!! (Ugh they really started to wrack up my poly count so I went more sparse than before.

    Gave her shoes some attention since I haven't really touched them since the beginning :/. Added stitches and elongated her toe a little more. The heel and sole will be redone in Maya most likely since I'm not used to hard surfaces in Zbrush just yet.
    UGH!! I completely neglected her staff if you couldn't tell. I honestly think it makes her look like she has "too much" with feathers and netting and heels and a staff twice her height with half being bones and a giant skull with even more feathers... I might nix the spinal piece and just hook a smaller skull onto the top of this one.
    Comments and Critique are most welcome!
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    Had a busy couple of days! Added pore and wrinkle details on her face and clothing, and started to retopologize in Maya! The goings are slower than I'd care because my wrist is starting to hurt, but I want to get her all retopo'd and mostly UV mapped by the end of the weekend. STILL haven't worked on the staff, so that'll also be a focus for this upcoming week.

  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
     Late Update woops! I've been in retopology hell since my last post: didn't have as much time as I used to, not to mention Maya deciding to delete whole objects and unable to undo ( so I lost some progress with that every now and then). Finally got through it and now I'm on to UV mapping!
    Gosh I'm so excited to start texturing! :blush:

    FINALLY made a damn staff. I made a mistake and made it without her in the project for reference, so I think it might be too big when I stand it next to her in Maya. Should be a pretty easy fix though.

    In the concept the skull on the staff is..odd to say the least, so I went with a sabertooth skull because the concept had those long canines like one, and they're cool so why not. Pretty quickly done, so there are going to be some anatomical issues! If they really are bothersome to look at though I can of course make edits! I also just used the IMM I used for her hair and feathers for the feathers on the skull.

    Overall I think my biggest obstacle is going to be her hair. I wanted her tri count to be around 100K, but lorde, the hair is more than 50K! And including her head dress it will def go over the limit. I might have to redo her hair, which is a bummer because I really wanted to use the braid brush I found :(

    Comments and critiques are super welcome! I'll try and make a post with some first past texturing by the end of this week!
  • Natm
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    Natm polycounter lvl 2
    Amazing Project so far, I have no critique since your skill level is insane :D Great work on the anatomy and details and everything.

    Do you want to conserve a clean topology for a rig in the future? Can't wait to see the textures :)
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    @Natm Thank you so much!! :dizzy:
    I don't know about a rig, but I was told it's good practice to have the tri-count on the lower end. I'm not super sure how that holds up compared to models in current games (GOW or ACO), but I'm trying to have a limit for myself, and am using the guidelines that are made for the Artstation Challenges! (I might up it anyways because I really want to keep the hair how it is, but we'll see!)

  • Natm
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    Natm polycounter lvl 2
    Oh I see, it's good to know about the Artstation challenges. Thanks for mentioning it.  I guess a decent amount of edge loops is necessary to avoid weird artifacts in deformation areas. If there is no rig or animation in the future, then it's best to go for optimized topology. (Again I'm no expert :P) 
  • TaulNotShort
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    TaulNotShort polycounter lvl 6
    @Natm No problem! True, I think I'll def try to go for a more optimized version!
    Totally meant to post this earlier, but work called.
    So! Pretty much done with UV Mapping and getting the shells placed nicely. Because she has so many things though I decided to give her hair and feathers their own separate UV set, so it'll be three sets in total (One 4K for skin, eyes, and eyelashes, and two 2K for clothes, feathers, and hair). The clothing UV map was getting super crowded, and I didn't want her feathers to look lower quality.
    Made a test bake as well for her skin, which came out alright. Had to move around some shells because her face shell wasn't big enough.
    This is an older version of the skin, since I'm changing to her new layout after this update. I think I'm heading in the right direction in terms of the coloring under the skin and eyeshadow, but I'm hoping to improve the roughness and add more to her face like her markings and a better lip color.

    Tested out how her skin might look with a different background. She looks real yellow in this one which I'm not really liking.
     Partitioned her clothing in hopes that objects don't bake over one another as well.

    Maybe I'll have an update a little later today with a baked normals version. :)

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