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My sword feedback

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Eggy995 node
Soo i just whipped up this sword. Pretty much my first model. I dont know how to texture or any of the polishing so all i got is whats below for now. What will i need to finish this model so it can be game ready? ALL FEEDBACK IS WELCOME


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Looks alright for a low poly model.  You still got nGons going on in the hand guard.  And the polygonal density of the handguard doesn't match the handle's and blade's density.

     I'd encourage you to make a high poly version of this.

    What reference were you using, or is this from imagination/self-concepted?
  • Eggy995
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    Eggy995 node
    I used a mix of imagination and the image below to create the model. Also, what is an "nGon"
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    What'd you get from googling "N-Gon?"
  • Eggy995
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    Eggy995 node
    A face with more than 4 edges?
  • Eggy995
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    Eggy995 node
    mmm Also would this be the stage to export over to Zbrush if i wanted to? or would there need to be a few more things i need to do before hand. I have fixed the nGons
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    It depends.

    If you tried subdividing this, you'd get a bubbly smoothed mesh since you don't have control edge loops to control the sharpness of of the high poly.

    Are you trying to make a high poly sculpt of this?
  • aclund3
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    aclund3 polycounter lvl 6
    You kind of need to pick a direction in terms of realistic vs. stylized.  If realistic this tutorial should help with understanding one way to accomplish a game ready model (there are obviously many ways to go about it).  I'm not as familiar with a stylized workflow, but youtube is a wonder, and you can find something there to help.

    I typically model the lo-poly and then hi-poly in 3dsMax. I take the hi-poly into zbrush for sculpting if I want to sculpt details (i don't always).  I adjust the lo-poly to better match the hi-poly after zbrush sculpting or other modeling adjustments made for the hi-poly.  Then I clean up the lo-poly topology and optimize. Next, I unwrap the lo-poly UVs, export both lo and hi poly meshes and take them into Substance Painter for baking (could use xnormal, toolbag, Max, or Maya...). Then texturing, and after i take the model into whatever rendering software (painter, toolbag, sketchfab, etc. etc.).  I write all this to help you visualize where you might fit in the workflow at the moment. 

    For me, your sword still needs work in the lo-poly stage, with support loops (or hard/soft edges if you're in Maya), sharper cutting edges, a bit more rounding on the edges of the crossguard and more realistic shapes and forms. Also, get into a LOT more reference. Modeling from imagination or only one reference image is something only those with a ton of experience can get away with (and sometimes not even then).

    Brian, correct me if I'm leading @Eggy995 astray anywhere. Oh, and trust Brian is my final piece of advice for now ;)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
  • Eggy995
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    Eggy995 node
    Soo i watched the tutorial you have shared @aclund3 I feel a bit more confident on how to tackle the project. I will continue with the low poly for now and then post it an update. @Brian "Panda" Choi I was just curious to see when would be the time to transition into ZBrush. I did some subdividing last night as well and to see what would happen and it is exactly as you said. Unfortunately for me, i have bugger all experience but im trying to take all the things you guys say in and put it into practice. The help and the feedback is much appreciated thank you! 
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    There usually will be no one time to transition to Zbrush with a lot of assets; it's very dependent on the elements involved.  Something like this, I'd argue you can stay in Maya the whole time.

    I find myself, with complex items, jumping back and forth at really any time between Modo and Zbrush to get the high poly done.
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