This is the new project i'll be working on! It is based on this awesome concept:

Link: Check out the artists portfolio, he has some super cool colorful characters!

The style i am going for is inspired mostly from the game Hyper Universe. I believe it fits this character a lot. I use this video to reference the proportions and to check out the characters and their skins: I started blocking out, nothing exciting yet. i' m thinking of using Marvelous Designer for the school uniform to learn the basics of the software.
Any kind of feedback is always appreciated of course! ^_^

Posting some progress of my high poly. I think i want to reshape the skirt because i'mm not 100% of the way it looks. I need to work on the arms and the legs next! Feedback is always welcome! ^_^
I definitly think there is a couple of thing that could be fixed about the anatomy however.
In some shot the sternocleidomastoid looks a bit odd,it gives a weird curved look like its going toward the neck center instead of toward the back of the ears. I believe the shoulder are also a bit too round. I would also rework the scapula area which looks a bit odd at the moment.
On the last shot the but also looks like it's has a bit of a weird shape to it, it looks like it's pulled from the side, gotta add some meat in the inside/middle of the cheek too!
Regardless of all that, nice start, looking forward to see where you take this
Your feedback is super helpful! I'll work on it the next few days!
Also, i think i am almost done with the clothes, i need to work on the shoes and do some touch ups.
Feedback is more than welcome! Especially on the anatomy and how similar the face is to the concept!
Wow really helpful comments! Thank you so much for the feedback and the good words!
Feedback is always welcome of course!
Take it or leave it but I did some paint over for the face.
What's bugging me the most is mostly how ''deep'' the back of the cranium/nape is. On the side view the neck is super wide and the back of the head is coming out way too far.
If you look at a bald head, see how the nape of the neck is higher and way closer to the ear than yours,
Also I did some small suggestion regarding eye size, jaw /face shape from the front and also to the chin in profile, I believe it could be brought forward a bit for a more natural profile and 3/4 view
I believe that the head can be polished a bit, I feel it currently looks a bit odd on the profile view (mostly because of the neck/head area and 3/4 view because of how back the chin is.
The suggestions for the face are really interesting but i don't know if they suit the cartoony/anime style i am going for. I'll try them nonetheless!
Of course i had to change some small things since they didn't work in 3D space.
I'd really appreciate some feedback at this point, before i move on the next phase! ^_^
I'm moving to the retopo part!
Sharing my topology and bakes! I still need to do some touch ups though, after that i'm moving on to the textures!
And you are right about the eyes, they will look better if i close them a bit.
Thanks a lot for the feedback!
i'll definitely fix it! Thank you so much for the feedback!
Artstation post: