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[Marvelous Designer] Cloth wont stop clinging to the rim of my armor

polycounter lvl 5
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OliverJSR polycounter lvl 5

Hey guys. Im simply trying to drape some cloth over my armor and as you can see. the cloth is harshly sticking to my armors edges and when i pull it away it just re-clings to the edge. I've tried setting the skin offset of the avatar to a higher amount but that doesn't seem to fix it. and I've also tried rescaling the particle distance and that has no effect either. 

any solutions? thanks  


  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Just guessing here, I'm not so great with MD either, but I've learned recently to usually work with a decimated sculpt from zbrush, rather than my low poly, and this usually lets the cloth drape with less issues as there is more vertices to read. 

  • OliverJSR
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    OliverJSR polycounter lvl 5
    thanks for the tips Bigtimemaster.  For now, I have just made it again on a default avatar and i'll just have to re-adjust it to fit the form of my model. Im just wondering what is making it happen and how to stop it in general. The mesh in the vewport is one of my highpoly subtools from zbrush. 
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