I'm in the mood for a nice big challenge with lots of little props and stylised textures, and I am also utterly in love with Steven Universe. So I thought I would have a shot at recreating Steven's home. Initially, I am going to build the interior and then the mountain/statue exterior. If things go well and I don't want to eat my own foot off after this project, I may expand to make more of the town - I really want to make the Donut shop too.
All projects must start at the beginning - I decided to make a quick sketch of the floorplan. The show is wonderful in that it uses all kinds of angles for its backgrounds, so there is some great reference out there. I will start blocking in today/tomorrow.

Blocking in progress - surprisingly difficult to get proportions right, sometimes 2d just doesn't want to translate into 3d. Should finish blocking tomorrow and then will start with Steven's bedroom, I think!
... I have also realised that I really need to work on my PBR skills so I am about to start a second project too....
I've been heavily inspired after catching up on the series last night! Spent much of the time on my workflow and direction for the piece though. I want to capture as much of a feel of Steven Universe as possible, but it has been proving really difficult to get the handdrawn/outline look of the show without either spending an insane amount of time duplicating polys and tweaking, or using the inverted normal method which uses too many polys... i'm sure there is a tech way of doing it but I am not there yet! (though I may use the inverted normal method for final images).
Further, just drawing the lines by hand results in really poor fidelity unless each asset's texture is at least 512 so that's a no go.
I'm quite happy with the atlas technique I used for the Steven Universe cafe though, so I am stripping all the textures and starting from scratch - it won't be 100% accurate to the show, but I can live with that if it actually means I get the thing made!
So... have a new floor and a bedcover!

Do you think you'll try and emulate the scratchy outlines ? Maybe with some duplicated concave meshes ?