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Male Khajiit

polycounter lvl 2
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Thomasc polycounter lvl 2
Hello guys, i created this Khajiit from TES saga yesterday and i added hairs this morning in Zbrush and created the tunic with Marvelous Designer. This is the first time i make a torso and a head. I would some feedback. :smiley:
I plan to remake it from scratch to make a big badass warrior, i'm looking for ideas currently. I will post future updates here in the future.


  • LokiDokie
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    LokiDokie polycounter lvl 7
    I'd definitely say you need to work on your form more before you add the hair. Look at some lion faces or even just other kahajitt faces and put them side by side with yours in zbrush. 
    Defiantly look at some torso reference before you do any cloth or detailing. 

    what kind of settings are you using on marvellous? your tunic looks very baggy and not very cloth like, perhaps you need to play about with the cloth settings and gravity a bit more.
  • Nihilus
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    Nihilus polycounter lvl 8
    ^ +1

    Anatomically there is a lot that needs worked on, I think youve made the mistake a lot of us make when starting out and that's getting too detailed too quickly.  As LokiDokie said you should focus a bit more on your basic forms and make sure the underlying anatomy is accurate, there is a lot of references online you can use for this and there's also some fantastic anatomy books you can get for artists specifically.

    Regarding the cloth it doesnt appear to "exist" in any world if you see what I mean. What kind of cloth is it? Different fabrics will drape and behave differently depending on things such as how coarse they are/ how thick the fabric is and so on. Again look up some reference of how fabric hangs and how it wrinkles and creases around different areas of a body (this is where getting the anatomy correct will help).

    Keep at it though! 
  • Thomasc
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    Thomasc polycounter lvl 2
    I begin to remake this Khajiit and i gather anatomic references and i try to define right volumes before make muscles and go further.

    It the second time i use marvellous, i'm discovering new settings each minute. I wanted to make a linen tunic but i didn't search references and i think i kept the default setting. I will change settings to see what i can make.

    Thanks for your answers guys! ^^
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Check out youtube videos from a woman named Lori. Patternmakerpro was her old website but i think the name changed to cggarments.com. If you search MD tutorials hers will be the first to pop up. Very useful videos and she is a professional seamstress, so nobody better to learn from.

    With the sculpting, just try to nail the major planes first. Much of your furry detail can come from texturing, but if the underlying shape isn't right it will always look off. There's ton of great photo references of feline skulls and muscles on google that will help you understand the subtlety of its shapes. Try to break the object down into the simplest shapes -- like the face could be seen as two perpendicular cyclinders butted against each other -- and then go as far with those simple shapes as you can before adding more subdivision to get the smooth transitions.

    I might start like that with a straight feline skull before morphing it into a Khajiit skull, as a Khajiit is somewhere between a human and a cat. Then, with a solid cat head, I think it would be a matter of pushing and pulling a little bit to get the half-man half-cat face. My thoughts behind this is that you have access to better reference, but of course if you have any of the TES games, you've already got all the 3d reference you need.
  • Thomasc
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    Thomasc polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the youtube channel, there are videos very interesting for marvellous and for the sewing in general.

    I didn't think about lion for face, i found some felines studies. It may be helpful. Begin with feline head may be good, i will do that. I directly sculpted the head from khajiiti head. Thanks ^^
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