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[Maya] ~ Symmetrizing UVs that don't have a central edge line. How?

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Steamy_Steve triangle
Hello again!

What I'm trying to achieve: I have a trunk that has a separate UV shell for each side, I want the paired sides to be stackable, which means I need them to be identical and symmetrical.

My problem: I could, theoretically, stack the UV shells one over the other, hit "Match UVs" to make close-to-overlapping UV vertexes snap together so that the two UV shells have exactly the same topology, then use "Symmetrize" to make the two shells identical AND symmetrical.
But not all shells have a central edge line, so I get stuck when I try to use the "Symmetrize" tool. It keeps asking for a central edge, but there's none and I don't seem to be allowed to just manually place the center of symmetry line and start brushing UVs.

Is there any intermediate step I'm missing, with the "Symmetrize" tool, something that could free me from the central edge hindrance....?
Or maybe I should use a different method?
Or should I just give up my pride and add an edge loop where needed?

Thank you.

PS: thanks for all the help I've been already gifted with on this forum, you're helping me big time for my game design course!!


  • Steamy_Steve
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    Steamy_Steve triangle
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    So for something to be symmetrical, there has to be a line of symmetry. I may be wrong or misunderstanding the question, but I don't think there is anyway around that. But adding a edgeloop isn't a big deal, and it can be deleted out afterwards. 

    Using the multicut tool, you can insert an edge loop that is perfectly centered between the two adjacent edgeloops by hoding ctrl (place edge loop function) and then middle mouse clicking anywhere between two edge loops. That will center the new edge loop precisely. 

    Then, to save time, you can select all of the faces on one side of the mesh, delete them, and then perform a mirror operation. By default settings, this will flip your UV's over so you end up with a symmetrical mesh that has mirrored and flipped UV's. 

    If you don't want/need the center edge loop that you added, select it and ctrl+delete to get rid of it and its vertices. Then you are back to where you started but with your UV's set up.

  • Steamy_Steve
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    Steamy_Steve triangle
    So for something to be symmetrical, there has to be a line of symmetry. I may be wrong or misunderstanding the question, but I don't think there is anyway around that. But adding a edgeloop isn't a big deal, and it can be deleted out afterwards. 

    Using the multicut tool, you can insert an edge loop that is perfectly centered between the two adjacent edgeloops by hoding ctrl (place edge loop function) and then middle mouse clicking anywhere between two edge loops. That will center the new edge loop precisely. 

    Then, to save time, you can select all of the faces on one side of the mesh, delete them, and then perform a mirror operation. By default settings, this will flip your UV's over so you end up with a symmetrical mesh that has mirrored and flipped UV's. 

    If you don't want/need the center edge loop that you added, select it and ctrl+delete to get rid of it and its vertices. Then you are back to where you started but with your UV's set up.

    In and out, sounds cool.
    Yes, you got it right, my problem was with the extra polygons and I didn't know I could easily delete edges AND vertices all at once. I'm still just a student. =0

    What I don't udnerstand is why I have to select a central edge AND move the mirror line....quite silly, to me. =p

    Thank you! ^o^
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    I'm not familiar with the functions you're using. But have you read the documentation for those tools? I know it sounds obvious, but sometimes I will find myself fussing over some problem for awhile, unable to find any kind of solution, and then finally when I go and read the documentation I find the answer was in me just not understanding how the tool worked.

    Also, if you've got some time and about $30, I'd recommend doing some of the Maya modeling courses on pluralsight. They're real easy to follow, you'll make some pretty cool models, and you'll get a lot of tips like this that can really speed up your work. You can probably pick up a lot of tricks from youtube freebies too.
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