I've made some bottles for an environment i'm working on. In substance painter they look exactly how I want them too, but in UE4 something changes? I have sRGB unticked in my RGB texture and here are pics of my material set-up. Whats going wrong? whats the best way to create realistic glass bottles? Thank you!
Heres how they look in substance painter:

Here is my material setup inside ue4

And heres how they look: for some reason they are really really bright?

Even if I lower the brightness in the ALB they look better but still not great.

I alslo noticed youre lighting model is set to surface forward shading, setting it to surface transluceny might help.
If its a material setup issue Game textures has a tutorial on how they set it up here:
1. This should be in the technical talk.
2. Unless its a stained glass, the glass parts should have almost zero opacity. If that doesn't give you the desired result because it reduces the reflections too much, you can try using fresnel as a base for the opacity. That should be fairly accurate as it acts the same as pbr materials should.
3. For best lighting, use the forward shaded one, that gives the same quality lighting as an opaque material, as it has per pixel lighting. Its the most expensive one though, and you are better using a separated material for the non transperent parts to minimize the amount of expensive pixels.
4. You would get more reflections and reflractions if you would have inside mesh as well.
5. Metallic should be zero.
6. Roughness should be almost zero.
7. It looks like you only have light shapes reflected, so I'm assuming you only use dynamic lights. Dynamic lights doesn't light the reflection environment, so objects won't show in the reflections. If you must have to use only dynamic lights for some unimaginable reason, you will need to add a cubemap manually.