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Portfolio Critique requested

polycounter lvl 8
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PaxTerra polycounter lvl 8
Hello everyone! I want to work as a 3D artist in the game industry so how does my portfolio look at the moment? Is it too few projects? Too simple? Better textures? More complex projects? Whatever it is, I want to hear the all of it. The hard truth. Don't hold anything back. :smile:



  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    As far as texturing goes, I think your Jake Sully Hunting Knife is the best piece. 

    That said as far as a portfolio for applying for jobs, there's still a lot more you could do.

    ~I would omit completely that you're making props in 2 days time. It's not so much you shouldn't make your models fast, but you're better off including pieces that are much more complex in nature that took time then simple ones you can churn out. For example, if you modeled the complete inside of a Jet Engine.  It would matter less if it took you 3 ~ 6 months to do it, it would be a far more valuable hard surface piece than working on knives.

    ~As far as optimization goes,  your pieces are using too much geometry. You have tons of edge loops running everywhere when you should only be using enough to define the silhouette. 

    ~You're missing texture sheets and a process of how you arrived at your final model. Where's the high poly model for the low poly to be baked?

    ~Going back to props, you need to focus your portfolio on models that are in demand. For example, a weapon artist would have a portfolio primarily consisting of guns. Or a vehicle artist would aim to have a nice selection of cars, tanks, planes etc. If you're going for Avatar, you should combine both the knife and fruit and make an environment out of it instead.

    To get you seriously motivated on your portfolio and understand how much competition exist, I recently came across an art director who said after 24 hours of putting up a job posting, he got 100 to 300 resumes.

    And they only pick the best artist. Forget about trying to get any junior positions. Make your art at the absolute senior level. 
  • PaxTerra
    Offline / Send Message
    PaxTerra polycounter lvl 8

    • Thank you for that eye-opener. I guess I have had a tendency to not really finish projects I have started on so I really wanted to challenge myself in creating something in a short amount of time. Part of me thought that maybe studios look down on projects that takes too much time as well, but it doesn't seem like that's the case then. 
    • There is really no excuse here. I know about optimization and having as few edge loops as possible. I will improve on that part.
    • I will improve on presenting my projects in better ways as well. 
    • The reason I'm going for Avatar is because I want to apply to a position that involves a new Avatar project, hence the theme. Guess I need to figure out what sort of 3D artist I want to be. 

    Thank you for your feedback. I just have to keep practicing and reach the skills of the masters. :smile:
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