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Efficient way of rendering product

Hi all renderers out there,

I would like to know if anyone has one idea of how I efficiently could have renders done from my products?

The products are phone cases that comes with certain textures and colors. The same category of case are created for about 50-100 models, where only porportion change and camera / flashlight changes position.

Since I need like 3-4 renders for every case, I am looking for an efficient way of doing this. I've been thinking about 3D scanning myself.

Anyone has some ideas?

Attached are some sample products.

Cheers from Berlin


  • frmdbl
    Offline / Send Message
    frmdbl polycounter
    I'm not sure what your objective is.
    Do you have the models ready and just rendering them efficiently is the problem or is it something else?
    You mention 3d scanning, it would certainly be very hard to scan objects like these with good quality.

    If your problem is just setting up the rendering, I'd just pick some app/renderer combination with batch rendering capabilities, use an HDRI for lighting and/or
    setup some 3point lighting and you should be good to go from there.
  • SnowInChina
    Offline / Send Message
    SnowInChina interpolator
    scanning them will not get you good results and will cost some serious money (you would need development spray because the objects are shiny, a can costs around 15$)
    shape is simple enough to model it
    or, if its an already developed product, try to get your hands on die CAD data
    set up the scenes and batchrender them all
    i am not too familiar with scripting this kind of stuff, but i guess you could script a batch process where the case gets switched for a new render
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