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How would you go about rigging the following in MAYA

polycounter lvl 2
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Darahamidi polycounter lvl 2
Hey Guys, Im a 3D artist with an embarrassingly weak understanding of rigging and I wanted to get some ideas regarding a new project. So how would you go about rigging the image below so that it will have a control to expand and contract with the image being its most expanded state. Very similar to a Hoberman sphere when contracted (reference image also attached-purple).

I'd really appreciate your help.


  • Mark Dygert
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    Brute force and time...

    Model it in it's extended form, add a CRAP-TON of joints, skin it, beat your head on your keyboard as you discover ways you fucked up, try not to commit suicide while slogging through the repetition.

    IF you where a rigging and scripting guru you could probably find ways to script large portions of those tasks or find a way to replicate a piece of it, but that would be a lot of work to do, even for a veteran rigger. 

    There are a few control systems that I can think of that would make it easier to animate (scale controller and or expressions) but those are pretty trivial compared to getting the mesh and joints in working order.

    Good luck, try not to die.

  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    and first take a look at Rafaeles blog... think the handmade IK could help here...
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    It's basically a series of aim constraints i think. Concentrate on getting the poles moving right and the connectors will follow.

    It'll be laborious but not difficult 

    Assuming i haven't misunderstood the mechanism of course

  • throttlekitty
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    This looks fun, haha. I'm a crap rigger, but this video helps demonstrate the mechanism.

    The way I see it, it's repetition of scissors driven by the outer green 3 and 4 way connectors. Looking at the lower-mid-left section, I think only one part of the rig needs to be solved, it's just a matter of scripting the placement and orientation of the parts. Not sure the bones are appropriate here, but they demonstrate what I'm thinking about here. The red cube represents the outer connector, driving the translate/aim of its connected arm, the second arm and its associated connector. It's kind of like those expando boxing glove toys, innit?

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