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Looking for your advice about my character concept

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daria node
Hi! It's the first time I'm posting here, I'd like to know what you think about this concept of the mage character I made for our new moba game. It would be nice to hear critiques and advice :)



  • EVF
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    EVF polycounter lvl 3
    I really like this guy! especially the oversized hands, which I think you handled quite properly. It def would look awesome in a game.
    I don't see anything wrong with him, tho I am not a character artist. :)
  • daria
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    daria node
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    I would of probably had a fade between where his body ends and the tail begins, but thats just me. Over all the character is nicely rendered i like the reflections and the material on his bracelets. Do you work like this often? 

  • daria
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    daria node
    @jaker3278 thanks for the reply :) his body kinda glows in that place so I decided not to make a shade over there. Well, currently I'm working on the character designs for the game, so yep I work like this every day  ;)
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    @daria Keep up the good work, your style is cool you can really tell that you have worked it a lot by hand which is a good sign. What game are you working on? are your drawing going to be turned into 3d? 
  • daria
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    daria node
    @jaker3278 It's gonna be a moba game about spirits in the underground world of crystals with an ability to earn cryptocurrency, something like this  o:)
    Yep, I'm making concepts for 3d artists, but exactly this one is not going to be turned into 3d, cause we've decided to redesign the characters and stylize them in a different way
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    @daria What do you mean by moba? is that a mobile game? How do you interact with the spirits are they evil or good? Your work makes them look friendly to me. 

    Do you have any links you can share , so i can get a better understanding of the game. Do you agree that the characters are going to be be re stylized? I suppose thats an opportunity for you to take a new design approach. 

    Thanks for liking some of my work, I have a new project in the works at the moment so look out for that on art station when it gets released. Comment on it if you can. I'm from the UK where are you in the world? 
  • daria
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    daria node
    @jaker3278 moba is a genre of games (multiplayer online battle arena) you don't interact with spirits, you are the spirits ~ well, actually you can and you'll have to kill them  o:) 
    it was my idea to stylize them, so yea I agree ~ the atmosphere of the game won't be as scaring as this character is  ;)
    ok, I'm new to artstation, as well as to this place, so I don't think I'll miss your project
    I'm from Ukraine
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    @daria Okay , thanks for explaining :) thanks for the link , i will have to translate it , looks like an interesting game especially with the link to the crypocurrency haven't seen that before. 

    Polycount is a great forum theres always something to read and get feed back from the community. They some times have meet ups like at GDC and some european games conventions. Art station has worked really well for me i have had people contact me through it. Get as much of your work as you can on it, as its viewed by so many people. It was in the top 1000 visited websites 
  • daria
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    daria node
    @jaker3278 oops sorry, they must be editing the text at the moment, so it is not displayed on the website  :D:# 
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Nice design. Some feedback.

    Firstly, don't work on a white background even when you start a new painting. Fill the bg with something other than white. Use a grey BG or a dark subtle colour.

    To make the character stand out and "pop" add a back light or gradient behind the character. (Works especially well with translucent and characters ;P ) The reverse of this also works also adding a dark gradient. Depends how you want it to look.

    The crystal effect of the shoulders and hands could do with sharpening up. Also maybe add some light coming through. Quick google brings up this study as an example (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1b0vK) but i suggest you do some stand alone studies of your own then come back and apply what you've learnt on this character.

    The horns dripping effect. Is it ooze or slime. The rounded ends gives this impression. If they are also crystal i suggest sharpening them up also.

     Anyhoo, here's a super quick "presentation" paintover. Hope it helps.

  • daria
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    daria node
    @Stinger88 thanks for your advice! Really helpful  :)
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