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[Riot Creative Contest 2017] AngelBlade Riven Vs DemonBlade Yasuo Duel Cinematic Illustration

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cs_rowan triangle
Dawnbringer riven duel splash art illustrtation for the contest. A panel similar to how they have yasuo and riven together . 


  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    study of alex flores piece. i will render the same way he does but this is a study of his pieces. 
    The purpose of this excercie is to demonstrate my understandings of the techniques used by one of the best splash artists at riot games. You arre not allowed to colour pick in this exercise. You should look at the imsage youre studying in black and white to compare your values, and use hue shifting to get the proper colours.   I will be using the techniques i've learned from studying his splash arts in my piece. 
  • cs_rowan
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    the blurry photos in the top right are important to study the histograms of already completed splash arts. Because i have already studied them i can compare my final splash art histogram to other pieces that have the similar histograms to see if mine is overexposed and has proper lighting. 

    The purpose of this is to understand how riot games artists find ways to direct attention to the focal point (the character). By BLURRING THE IMAGE you get to reduce the amount of detail in the piece, and get nice blobs of different values. It is good to use this technique to see how a great splash art directs attention to the viewer without being distracted by all the details. 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    these are gesture drawings i do to find a smooth action pose. These are important to do because you can find a flow to your character, which is important to a splash art because they are dynamic and they should flow well. If you do some of these to practice, you can start your character a good gesture pose, you can combine poses from multilple gesture drawings and it can help you explore what you want in your piece. When you do this gesture drawings you zoom out VERY far, and also paint with a smooth brush because it will help you prevent "noodling" a.k.a adding too much detail to simple studies. This is a good exercise to help me get started 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    general colour scheme for what i am doing with this piece. Changed her leg position to be more of a floating/relaxed position, re positioning her wings 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    having a hard time figuring out how to size her head piece. It looks weird on the model too. 
  • YukioDaichi
    Interesting. I also think the size of the headpiece is a bit big as well in the game but its also looking a little flat. I believe you can give it a little more volume in the splash. (Then again it seems like you have already). I really love the pose you are going for.
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    Interesting. I also think the size of the headpiece is a bit big as well in the game but its also looking a little flat. I believe you can give it a little more volume in the splash. (Then again it seems like you have already). I really love the pose you are going for.
    thank you for commenting. The head piece is bothering the hell out of me in the model. It really makes her head look huge so it''s hard to figure out. I tried a closer view where i changed the headpiece size with a slightly different pose. I'm not sure if i should go with the pose that i originally wanted because i feel like it kind of misrepresents what Riven's Ult form means. I think i should go for something more badass, like a heavy action pose. When riven uses her ult, it means that she's about to go berserk and i think my first thumbnail lacks the aspect of her being menacing in her ult form. I'm glad i started early and failed, i still have to time figure it out ! 
  • cs_rowan
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  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    I'm trying to get the basic parts of riven down by the 20th of december. So i have around 11 days to render then spend the month of january trying to get yasuo's part finished. 
  • AumesRonoy
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    AumesRonoy triangle
    Good development so far Cs_Rowan, impressive.
    Keep it up!
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    Thanks for the encouragement dude! 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    progress i havent finished riven yet but i wanted to add yasuos silhouette tosee what it would be like idk im still having trouble on riven's side but i wanted to post an update . The idea i had for riven is for her to be going into a transformation into her ult form from her normal form. 

    So i wanted her sword's core to be like, absorbing some of the power and shit that's around her to fight yasuo and his ghoul things from the comic.

    I want to add a lot more elements to riven to show more of a "transformation" look. But for now im testing some stuff with her sword particles blocking her arm and such.
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    Tried my best to create what i envisioned. 

    I wanted to portray Riven`s last hope in a battle between her and Demonblade Yasuo and his ghouls from the comic. Her final chance as she transforms into her ultimate and fights for her life. That's the story. 
     I hope you like it and thank you 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    notes and comparisons to ingame stuff and how it relates to the panels from the comic that it is inspired by. i lowered the contrast of the ghouls to try and keep riven and yasuo the main focal point of the piece. So i added a lot of atmosphere to try and achieve this 
  • YukioDaichi
    Nice job I love it.
  • Hipporit
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    Hipporit polygon
    Woa cool, didn't notice the ghouls until you pointed them out haha. Well done!
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    Hipporit said:
    Woa cool, didn't notice the ghouls until you pointed them out haha. Well done!
    damn. sorry about that mayb i  could have done it better. but i found that when i had it at a higher contrast it was the first place people would look and i didnt want the ghouls to be the center of attention. Thank you for telling me and thank you for the nice comment 
  • cs_rowan
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    cs_rowan triangle
    Nice job I love it.
    thank you for the nice comment dude 
  • Hipporit
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    Hipporit polygon
    cs_rowan said:
    Hipporit said:
    Woa cool, didn't notice the ghouls until you pointed them out haha. Well done!
    damn. sorry about that mayb i  could have done it better. but i found that when i had it at a higher contrast it was the first place people would look and i didnt want the ghouls to be the center of attention. Thank you for telling me and thank you for the nice comment 
    Oh no I don't mean it as a bad thing. I was just really intrigued by all the details on riven and yasuo that when I zoomed in I didn't notice the ghouls in the background. I think you made the right choice to push them back a little bit to keep the focus on the main characters!
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