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Help and Feedback on my portfolio

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Crizbitz null
Hello Polycount,

For the past year, ive been slightly hesitant on asking for help on my work and feeling like i could do this on my own since graduating from a Game Art and Design course back in 2016. And just the frustration of rejection emails has brought me here looking for advice from other artists.

I feel like i'm doing too much of different styles and trying to figure out what i can do best. I feel like im not presenting these pieces right and that they arent showing what i can really do. Although most of my sculpts have been also learning new things in Zbrush and Maya, i do think i should seek guidance from more than just myself.

Here's my artstation page that ive been using as my portfolio site and ill try and gather some screens of my current project im working on.


Sorry if my rambling isnt making sense on this, more or less im just looking for critique and pointers to direct me on the proper path to becoming a better character artist.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    1) The Robogirl.   I'm generally just not down with the design of the character, which is a little more deeper of a problem than the texturing skill or rendering skill.  It just doesn't look well designed.

    2) From the clutch of anime characters I'm seeing, ignoring my taste critiques, there's items like how arms are deforming and how some of the clothes feel muddy in terms of the sculpt that pop out.  This especially applies to the Megumin sculpt and Flandre.  Flandre is the muddiest of the sculpts in this portfolio.

    3) Batman's eyes are huge.  This is making Batman not look good.  Also his mask is all over the place in terms of shape.  THere's places whhere it seems soft,  but the same section of the mask is hard and planar in another location, but you're still communicating that it's all the same material.  It needs a better design overall.

    4) Moth fairy looks the most interesting.  The skin could use more love like a variety of noise details, subssurface scattering, etc.

    5) 3D online turntables should be at the end of the portfolio page of a piece, not the beginning.  Unless you have something animating, good 2D renders are fastest.

    6) Orlando Bloom likeness render should say it's Orlando Bloom Likeness in the title.  Solid job with the hair render, I think.

    The anime girls need better, sharper, cleaner executions with their sculpts and mesh.  The human characters need better anatomical study overall.  Most pieces need better designs instead of what I am suspecting is concepts designed up by you.  Unless I am wrong on that front.  I highly suggest using existing concept art that looks good for immediate future projects.

  • Crizbitz
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    Crizbitz null
    Only the Robogirl was designed by me, most of that was spent figuring out what i was gonna do with it. either a hard surface High Poly render to show what i can do with it or optimize it for Unreal, i ended up going with the Unreal plan. Some design choices i went with i later regretted (i find the ironman chest core overdone but somehow i went with it)

    The Moth Girl was a concept piece i went off of, Vray fur was fun since i didnt have time to sit down and learn Xgen. but yeah i should have put more break up on her

    The likeness render, i was told that i was losing likeness so i got scared and just put that as the title. Hair looked too uniform and i didnt know too much about SSS at the time, aswell this was the first time i really dealt with facial anatomy

    The moth girl, the Likeness and the robogirl was also done in the span of 3 months as it was what i had to do to graduate my class.

    This was also done back in 2016 so it doesn't really show what i can do now and the anime characters i did in 2017 aren't very convincing to attest to that unfortunately. But i have been still learning with study throw away sculpts and i hope to showcase those studies i did on my next piece.

    Look's like ive got a bit of work ahead of me, but all i can do is keep at it and learn from my mistakes. Thank you Brian
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The rifle is pretty cool, though I think you could have added more polys to it.
    Take Batman off your portfolio, it's not helping.
    Moth Fairy is neat, but I think the skin colour is too uniform. Should definitely update this on the texturing part.
    Orlando Bloom doesn't really look like Orlando. Don't get me wrong, he looks like a decent character, but not Orlando. His eyes need some work as well.
    All your low poly characters look cool, I like those.

    Your portfolio is looking cool, keep going :)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Ahh, ok, if some of these were homework assignments as opposed to personal/professional projects, that explains the quality bar.

    Generally, from what we've seen, it is rare to see a homework assignment, when turned in when asked instead of extended time spent on it, become a portfolio worthy piece.

    You usually need to spend more time on art to make it look good past the original due date.
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