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Does anybody know how to create this flaking effect?

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svevlad vertex
I stumbled upon a material by Matthew Taylor which has this interesting curly flaking and I tried to discover how did he do it using the picture of his graph but I failed. Now Matthew promised that he will do a breakdown of this material but I'm guessing that he did not have time to do it. If anyone has any Idea how to do it please help.


  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    Well hard to tell exactly whats going on but here is my guess:

    From Left to Right in the Decay Pattern and Peeling Frames:
    Decay Pattern is max contrast black and white cloud, Blur HQ, Normal, RGBA Split, Pull out R and G channels separately and blend together, histogram scan and levels to pick out area of peeling effect mask. That feeds to 2 Tile Samplers (one large Peeling Pieces, one small Peeling Pieces) Pattern Distribution (activate Distribution Map in Tile Sampler via Pattern Input Distribution). Also looks like the 2nd Tile Sampler has additional masking blended with the peeling effect mask with noises. Back to the Normal node, feed that to Vector Map input of both Tile Samplers. Probably orient rotation of peeling shapes to that vector in Tile Sampler. Blend Max Lighten? or Add? two Tile Samplers together, and that should get you most of the way there.

    I'm not sure what that string of stuff below the Tile Samplers in the Peeling Frame is, maybe just masks or additional grunge detail and noises to blend later.
  • zweek
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