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[RIOT CREATIVE CONTEST 2017] Renekton Rune Wars remake

Hi I am a second year game art student, graduating next year. I have been looking at this contest and been wanting to participate in it. Due to my game art course ending in 2 weeks, I have been busy. Therefor not starting this as early as I wanted. I think this will be a good opportunity to test my modelling and texturing skills, especially high poly sculpt and hand painted textures. While I don't play League of Legends, I do like the art style and characters. I looked through the character list and Renekton took my eye, with the Rune Wars skin. I enjoy trying to remake something as close to the original as possible, so I am going to attempt to recreate Renekton Rune Wars as close as I can. This is also my first time posting on PolyCount.


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