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Contact professional game artists for portfolio tips

polycounter lvl 7
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salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
Hey all,

I almost finished with my website, but as all new comers in the game industry I need portfolio guidance from professionals.
Anyone knows which artists are willing to help by simply revising my portfolio and tell me what they think about it?

Much appreciations,


  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    post your portfolio link right here in this thread and people will offer you feedback, many of them industry professionals. Or, go on artstation/linkedin and search for artists doing what you wanna do (environment/character etc) at studios where you would potentially want to work at, and send them a message through that platform politely asking for some quick feedback.

    1 in 10 might take the time to do it, so don't take it personally if not everyone replies, but definitely act on the feedback they give you, it will really help you, and show you actually value their time :)  none of this "oh thanks, I will keep it in mind for my next project" reply that so many people do. go back and fix/improve your portfolio pieces based on feedback.

    hope this helps, good luck!
  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for your help definitely I will, but I will post it in a new post with a different title in order to eases the search flow :)

    again thanks a lot.
  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    anw this is my website, id love to have your feedback on it

  • TheLittleJay
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    TheLittleJay polycounter lvl 5
    First thing that really stands out to me in your first scene is how empty or flat it feels. This should really be your best piece, since this is what I see first. 

    The walls and floor are really flat it looks a bit bland. And some of the edges / corners seem too sharp, like on the archways. I'd recommend getting some small bevels going long those edges, they will look better once they're more rounded. Nothing in reality is a sharp as a polygon. For the floor maybe have a few tiles that are missing, this lets you add some depth and variety. You could also throw in some small props, pieces of litter or small chunks of rubble, that sort of thing. Something to break up the scene and add some interest. 
  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    First thing that really stands out to me in your first scene is how empty or flat it feels. This should really be your best piece, since this is what I see first. 

    The walls and floor are really flat it looks a bit bland. And some of the edges / corners seem too sharp, like on the archways. I'd recommend getting some small bevels going long those edges, they will look better once they're more rounded. Nothing in reality is a sharp as a polygon. For the floor maybe have a few tiles that are missing, this lets you add some depth and variety. You could also throw in some small props, pieces of litter or small chunks of rubble, that sort of thing. Something to break up the scene and add some interest. 
    I totally agree with you, the project is 1 year old, definitely it needs a remake :)

    One technical question concerning the floor. When it comes to create a floor with a missing chunk(s) as you mentioned, what is the best technical approach to model it? should I model it  as one piece? Or modular? 

    Many thanks,
  • defragger
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    defragger sublime tool
    Website is down!

    One technical question concerning the floor. When it comes to create a floor with a missing chunk(s) as you mentioned, what is the best technical approach to model it? should I model it  as one piece? Or modular?

    Depends on the size of the environment. Deferred decals with normalmap are a great way but you can also model it. Of course it is ideal if you can re-use stuff. Usually every technique is used at some point in a game level. Next time you play a game look at the level and figure out how it´s made. It´s all there.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Portfolio crits belong in Showcase, not in Career & Education. Moving this.
  • Eric Chadwick
    ...and your site is dead. Neither http nor https works.

    This site can’t be reached

    https://www.salimmatta.com refused to connect.


    • Checking the connection

  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    ...and your site is dead. Neither http nor https works.

    This site can’t be reached

    https://www.salimmatta.com refused to connect.


    • Checking the connection

    Bad coincidence, I just renewed the domain name and its back online now and note taken, thanks a lot mate.
  • Animas
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    Animas polycounter lvl 6
    One thing that comes to mind when looking at the portfolio is that most of the 4 title pictures are are not very "interesting". This is by no means an insult or anything, but  first pic is empty as someone already told you. There is nothing going on in it and since it looks like thats the whole image, I bet some of the art directors (as busy as they are) might not even open it to see whats inside.
    The second picture is better. There are alot of interesting things in the back, so thats good but the front is rather empty. i think you need to play more with composition and camera angles. maybe show more of furniture with all the goodies in the back so there is less empty floor visible.
    Third one is also not that well composed. That blurred log in the middle of the screen, his buddy the second blurred log in right and the rather low quality water in left takes almost half the screen.Some blur in foreground is ok, but half the screen, i dont think many would look further.
    The fourth pic is 50/50. It might be ok, but for me I have hard time understanding what am i looking at, all the dark colors and blurs leave only very little actually distinguishible features to look at. Like i said, it might be good since I am almost compeled to click the link to figure out what am i looking at, but If I had option to change the pic, I'd soom in abit more on the face.

    Inside all the projects you are doing the same "mistake", first picture is always (except the bug creature one) are all "uninteresting". You are at risk, that people might not even scroll down. Even worse, they may close the website all together. 
    So without the above mentioned things to the main 4 pics, I would also change the grouping all together.

    First show the old house (change the first pic inside too, since those rays of light look abit ehh, rather than wow).Then show the the bug project. After that it's a tie between diorama and lebanon. Although I'd give diorama  a slight edge, since it has more "purpose" to me. Lebanon seems abit unfinished, lacking, seems like there should be more to it. Something like old house scene.

    Anyways, no offense intended and gl with your portfolio.
  • salimmatta
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    salimmatta polycounter lvl 7
    Animas said:
    One thing that comes to mind when looking at the portfolio is that most of the 4 title pictures are are not very "interesting". This is by no means an insult or anything, but  first pic is empty as someone already told you. There is nothing going on in it and since it looks like thats the whole image, I bet some of the art directors (as busy as they are) might not even open it to see whats inside.
    The second picture is better. There are alot of interesting things in the back, so thats good but the front is rather empty. i think you need to play more with composition and camera angles. maybe show more of furniture with all the goodies in the back so there is less empty floor visible.
    Third one is also not that well composed. That blurred log in the middle of the screen, his buddy the second blurred log in right and the rather low quality water in left takes almost half the screen.Some blur in foreground is ok, but half the screen, i dont think many would look further.
    The fourth pic is 50/50. It might be ok, but for me I have hard time understanding what am i looking at, all the dark colors and blurs leave only very little actually distinguishible features to look at. Like i said, it might be good since I am almost compeled to click the link to figure out what am i looking at, but If I had option to change the pic, I'd soom in abit more on the face.

    Inside all the projects you are doing the same "mistake", first picture is always (except the bug creature one) are all "uninteresting". You are at risk, that people might not even scroll down. Even worse, they may close the website all together. 
    So without the above mentioned things to the main 4 pics, I would also change the grouping all together.

    First show the old house (change the first pic inside too, since those rays of light look abit ehh, rather than wow).Then show the the bug project. After that it's a tie between diorama and lebanon. Although I'd give diorama  a slight edge, since it has more "purpose" to me. Lebanon seems abit unfinished, lacking, seems like there should be more to it. Something like old house scene.

    Anyways, no offense intended and gl with your portfolio.
    Thanks a lot mate, none taken of course :)

    What you have said is 100% logical and right, and btw all these projects are pretty old now, I need to remake one final kickass project in order to publish it, and of course I will take all notes you gave me seriously, again thanks a lot :)
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