Welcome to the
Concept Thread for the next Monthly Environment / Prop Challenge!
It's time for our round of voting for November and December.
To clarify, this thread will be replaced by the official WIP / Challenge thread on Wednesday, November 1st, once the vote count is in and the concepts have been selected. Please wait to post your work there.Below I've selected a few Environments and Props to get us started. Per community request,
each Challenge will offer two environment options and two prop options - 1 hand-painted and 1 realistic / hard surface each. Please feel free to vote for your favorites or add your own selections to this thread. Remember to vote by posting the concept(s), that you would like to see for the next challenge as a reply to the thread.
Even if you aren't participating in the challenge, feel free to vote!


https://www.artstation.com/krzymsky Krzysztof Maziarz


If you aren't satisfied with the concepts provided for this month,
feel free to add your own! We are completely open to people posting their own concepts, but keep in mind that the difficulty level has to be that of which can be completed in
two months' time for the environment, and one month's time for the prop!The winning concepts will be chosen on the day of the next monthly challenge.I am looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with this month, cheers!
Edit: And the same hard surface concept. Forgive me if you're just trying to get this thread started and these are just placeholders that will be replaced. Appreciate you getting these challenges together!
Please feel free to go ahead and post concepts all while I work out my ::ahem:: technical difficulties
EDIT: I did some research, it's a map called Factory 501, from a game called Skyforge. The artist should be him: https://www.artstation.com/dmitrysmirnov but I'm not 100% sure. Can't find the concept artist though.
by talros
by Javoraj
This image art is not original concept art for location, it`s an overpaint of level blockout. So there is no single artist responsible for this image, it`s a team effort. So it`s best to just mention "Skyforge", or Victor Surkov https://www.artstation.com/playq . He was art director at the time, and I believe he did this overpaint
I will post the winning concepts tonight in the new thread. Keep them coming!
Environment and Prop Art Challenge # 52 is up HERE