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How exactly do I create an Alpha from an Image?

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Easton vertex
Hi guys,

 How would I create alphas for Substance Painter from an Image? I basically want to create an Amazon Prime box and I am not sure how to get or create the symbols on it to use as an Alpha in Painter. I know how to create a Alpha and move it into Painter, just not from a photo...

How would you guys recommend creating the tape?
And the symbols?
I know everyone knows what a box looks like but for visual reference:



  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I typically just recreate the graphics and symbols in photoshop, and stamp them on in Substance Painter. 
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I bet if you looked just a little harder, you could find nice clean images of the logo on their website to work from.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Order something really cheap from Amazon and keep the box.  ;)
  • Easton
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    Easton vertex
    JordanN said:
    Order something really cheap from Amazon and keep the box.  ;)

    Lol, why do you think I even order from Amazon, I just keep the boxes!
    (just kidding anyone that does this needs help haha)

    ZacD said:
    I typically just recreate the graphics and symbols in photoshop, and stamp them on in Substance Painter. 

    Wouldn't that be kind of difficult? I don't know why but I thought there was some sort of way to highlight the area of interest and work with contrast or something to pull it off... I could try my best of copying them in PS but it sounds like it would take forever and not come out very good looking.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Easton said:
    Wouldn't that be kind of difficult? I don't know why but I thought there was some sort of way to highlight the area of interest and work with contrast or something to pull it off... I could try my best of copying them in PS but it sounds like it would take forever and not come out very good looking.
    This thread I made before might be of help. I wanted to seperate a texture of dirt away from green paint so I could use it for a model and I was basically told just use color range.

    For creating all the symbols on the box, you can use the pen tool in Photoshop/Illustrator and save them as your stamps.

    Skip to 22:00 and you can see how this guy used the same method to the create the logo on his knife. You just need a reference.
  • Easton
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    Easton vertex
    JordanN said:
    Easton said:
    Wouldn't that be kind of difficult? I don't know why but I thought there was some sort of way to highlight the area of interest and work with contrast or something to pull it off... I could try my best of copying them in PS but it sounds like it would take forever and not come out very good looking.
    This thread I made before might be of help. I wanted to seperate a texture of dirt away from green paint so I could use it for a model and I was basically told just use color range.

    For creating all the symbols on the box, you can use the pen tool in Photoshop/Illustrator and save them as your stamps.

    Skip to 22:00 and you can see how this guy used the same method to the create the logo on his knife. You just need a reference.

    Okay, so would you recommend trying it that way as in the thread?

    I will try and see it that method would work as it may be the best way. I did find this video where this guy creates a Dewalt Drill and it looks as if he managed to find good pictures of the logos and everything else he made himself. As big as Amazon is I think I can manage to find good pictures like throttlekitty said. 

    I am still not so sure about the tape though, I guess creating a Tilable texture just for it would be best and then going into 3DSMax and adding about the right size strip down it in a not so perfect fashion to make it look believable. I will have to crack open B2M and Designer and figure those out so it may be a while from now. I am just trying to start small and make objects look as realistic as possible and being new to all of this time is not an issue, if it takes me a week to make a box then the next week I can create a trashcan or something in probably half the time and just trying to get better.


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