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Substance Designer Materials

polycounter lvl 6
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Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
Hey Polycount. First time posting work here, long time lurker! Just recently started using Substance Designer and I'm after some feedback on my materials so I can push them a bit further. I've watched all of Allegorithmic's tutorials and some odd bits on Youtube, but if anyone's got any links to some more tutorials or channels, I'd be very grateful! 
Tiling Red Bricks

Grey Stone Floor 

Mud with Footprints

Rock Debris

Thanks for looking :smile:


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter

    Tiling Red Bricks;

    The bricks have a ton of edge damage but no damage in the center of the bricks. The bricks are also a bit too smooth. Your colour variation looks like it was 2 shades of red mapped to a grunge map. I’d suggest throwing in some other various colours because this wall doesn’t look like it’s very new.

    Grey Stone Floor;

    Same deal with the colour, it looks like a grunge map was thrown on with 2 colours. The grunge also continues on with each tile. Colour marking variation would be different per tile, not continue onto the next one. Substance’ YouTube has a good tutorial about making wooden floor, and there they teach you about Gradient Mapping and Vector Warping. You can mix up the tiles using that tool and it’s fairly easy to learn. The middle tile’s bottom left corner looks blobby, not chipped.

    Mud with Footprints;

    All the prints are going the same way and its all the same shoe print. Also, for mud this wet, you’d think there would be little puddles of water here and there, especially in the footprints. It’d be nice if there were pebbles, twigs, etc. Maybe even some bird foot prints? I really like the look you’ve got here and I think if you pushed it further it could be really cool.

    Rock Debris;

    This takes a while of me looking at it to see rock debris, to be honest. If it wasn't titled 'rock debris', I wouldn't be able to figure out what it was.

    Keep at it man!
  • Krypten22
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    Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
    @Ashervisalis That's a lot of stuff to work on! Thanks for the critique dude, gives me lots to think about
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