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Philosopher's Academy Project

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Hey Polycount, first time posting here. I am a student in my final year of Game Art and I want to specialize in environment art. The theme for my project is a Philosopher's Academy. I want to get a secluded Utopian vibe across. A sort of overgrown secret Greek garden in a mountainous forest. I can't find much useful reference so i'm currently frankensteining everything I want and trying to get a pleasing look.

 If anyone could give me a pointer on what's working and not working it would be truly appreciated. Nothing is set in stone, also ignore the topology. I want to keep it an exterior scene with an outdoor library and a courtyard for study and debate. That's about all i have concrete at the moment.

The statue will depict Plato as he stands in The School of Athens painting.



  • LorasTyrell
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    This is a really cool concept :) I think this is a question for more experienced artists than me, but I can comment on what I see!

    First of I think you have a really good beginning. It's only a blockout so I won't nitpick on details, but some things I think you should research: The trees seem to be placed randomly now. Considering the ancient Greek were avid city planners, a lot of their parks were carefully planned. See if there maybe should be more of a pattern in the trees, and also make sure the trees are ones you would find in Athens.

    Second, the academy seems to stand on the edge of a bigger mountain, which I can tell will look really cool. You should research how rocks fall in environments like these - for example the on on the top left looks like it shouldn't be there without some sort of support. Consider gravity and erosion when laying the rocks out, and if humans have intervened to stabilise things then make sure that's visible in the scene :)

    Good luck!
  • JamieBaudo
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    This is a really cool concept :) I think this is a question for more experienced artists than me, but I can comment on what I see!

    First of I think you have a really good beginning. It's only a blockout so I won't nitpick on details, but some things I think you should research: The trees seem to be placed randomly now. Considering the ancient Greek were avid city planners, a lot of their parks were carefully planned. See if there maybe should be more of a pattern in the trees, and also make sure the trees are ones you would find in Athens.

    Second, the academy seems to stand on the edge of a bigger mountain, which I can tell will look really cool. You should research how rocks fall in environments like these - for example the on on the top left looks like it shouldn't be there without some sort of support. Consider gravity and erosion when laying the rocks out, and if humans have intervened to stabilise things then make sure that's visible in the scene :)

    Good luck!

    Awesome thank you so much for the analysis! You have a lot more advice than I've gotten from most people ;) Yes for sure I was being sloppy with the tree placement and the rocks. I am still trying to figure out what rock models I should be creating to get a pleasing look to the piece. 
  • JamieBaudo
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    JamieBaudo vertex
    Some different layouts. still some areas are uninspired and the foliage is a little lame but I am getting a better feeling for the design. Crits are welcome and encouraged! 
  • LorasTyrell
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    Nice, I like the second more. Probably because it has more leading lines - I think choosing a focal point (like the acropolis) and having some subtle visual queues to lead your eyes there would be good
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Hey there ,
    If I may suggest few things 
    Design by function 
    Importancy of hierarchy
    Shape relationship 
    Color code different material 

    Round arc thing look to me more arab inspired then roman 

  • LorasTyrell
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    That's a really good point @carvuliero! If you wanna stay true to history, there shouldn't actually be an arc at all, just a flat stone at the top. The Romans introduced the rounded archway, built on the foundations of what the Greek invented. It wasn't until after roman influence came back to Greece that this part of architecture changed (And the same goes for Corinthian columns like in the last image). I don't know how much research you plan on doing for the project but this is one of the most interesting parts of architectural history in my opinion :) 
  • JamieBaudo
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    Wow I appreciate your feedback so much! I have been trying to get my research in, which I know is essential. My college is going on strike so I'll have some time ;) Those are such great references and historical points you both brought up. This is the current version of my level. Still rough (Some railings are missing, stairs are floating) but any critique would be nice.

    I can do my own research but if anyone wants to send a helpful link on accurate Greek architecture I would really appreciate it :) 
  • carvuliero
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    If you ask me take a top view render and design top down (similar to a map ) so you can connect different elements in geometric relations 
    Also find what the most important thing in your composition and build around it -> build relation base of that point 

    Few things to keep in mind :
    - geometry
    - golden ratio
    - bold straight line


    Roman architecture aerial photos/Roman ruins aerial photos
    google maps/earth (first you will have to find ancient Roman town ruins or modern one with left overs)


  • JamieBaudo
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    JamieBaudo vertex

    Awesome thanks so much for taking the time to help me out :) Yeah I should definitely be designing with the intent to connect the relevance of the elements I'm trying to group together in this piece.

    The top down suggestion is genius, doing it now! 

  • JamieBaudo
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    JamieBaudo vertex
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    Really like the composition of everything you've laid out, looking forward to seeing the end result! 
  • JamieBaudo
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    JamieBaudo vertex
    Heres a really rough paintover of the environment. Something about it isn't to my liking. I feel like it's not Greek enough and I am having difficulty pushing the aesthetic without redoing large portions of the scene. Any crit or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :) 
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