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Battle of Britain Pilot - wip (Crit wanted)

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Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
Hey all, trying to be more proactive in the online community. So this is a project I recently started based around a Battle of Britain pilot, then after the new Dunkirk trailer came out I was pretty inspired. I'm currently just blocking out and would really appreciate any feedback, the more the merrier. I aiming for as realistic and historically accurate as I can get but obviously I'm open to any creative suggestions. He's based on Tom Hardy so I am going to try and get the right body type and likeness. :) 


  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, this is just the kind of thing I was looking for. I think the main thing is like you said the proportions so I'll deal with that asap. Once I have done that I'll move into fixing some of the details. Also thanks for the advice on cloth, its a real weak area of mine.  :) 
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Still fixing proportions, its difficult with such baggy/large clothing to know what looks right. Tried to push the forms more in the clothing folds but the trousers are looking a little velvety at the moment. As always feedback is much appreciated. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Another quick little update, pretty much everything is blocked out in some form or another, still really struggling with leathery folds. going to carry on just refining it till I am happy to move on, as usual any crit is welcome, the more the merrier. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Headgear update, still a work in progress. Divided all the main parts of the character like headgear, jacket, boots etc... so I can go into detail on each part without straining my PC. As always any feedback is appreciated. 
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Been meaning to keep this thread far more consistent, never the less this is where I'm at with the high poly, loads of details are missing but I think I am happy with the shape and proportion of everything now its just about refining. Really need to start getting this high poly finished up soon so any feedback would be great.

  • Winstone
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    Winstone polycounter lvl 5
    Hey man! So far so good! The only thing that looks like it might be getting ignored are his hands. But I'm sure you will get to those. 
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Looking great dude, I think you might want to make the straps around the back of his life jacket act like different material. I'm guessing the straps are thicker, heavier webbing stitched onto the two layers of thin life jacket fabric. If that the case they would probably fold less than the thinner fabric so you could make some nice contrast between the two fabrics. I hope you get what I mean otherwise I'll try explain better

    Keep it up.
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys, Yeah Kit the strap fabric is marginally heavier, would definitely help adding some variation. 

    The hands are still pretty WIP, just there to give a sense of the overall proportions. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Another wip,  been really trying to conquer the clothing folds this week. Feel like I am massively improving in both understanding folds and actually sculpting them. still got a long way to go. as always any C+C are appreciated. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Really need to post more consistently, Trying to finalise the headset sculpt as a benchmark for the rest.  The goggles aren't done yet, just for referencing the folds on the headgear. The likeness is also getting there(Tom Hardy in case not apparent yet). As always C+C is really appreciated, I've included the ref I'm working from in there too so nice long post. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Really focusing in on a select part and try to push it as far as  I can. Going to bake and texture it and get a bench mark for the rest of this project. More to come soon. 

  • Bar0n
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    Bar0n polycounter lvl 9
    I just saw this thread but the differences from the first post to the last ones are enourmous. I really like it!
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers, Its quite satisfying to see visible improvements, still a long way to go.  Hopefully more to come soon :smile:

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Another little update, Just started laying some base textures down on the headset and goggles.  For now I'm texturing mostly in substance painter 2 and rendering in marmoset but I hope to get the final result up and running in UE4 eventually.

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Another delayed update, Really trying to finalise the mid layers. Ended up doing back and sculpting a basic anatomy reference and sweater as I was having trying to work out the layering and proportion by eye. Should have done this from the beginning but you live and learn. Getting more and more comfortable with clothing and folds. still a way to go but  I think I can call this done for now.  As always any feedback would really be appreciated, especially anything about folds. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Also posting where I ended up on the headset texturing, I think for now I can call it pretty much done all though I still want to rework some of the smaller areas I think this is where I want it to be as a benchmark for the rest of this project.  Actually quite satisfied with this, hopefully I will pick up the pace in weeks to come. 

  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    3 weeks, 2 heatwaves and one hard drive failure later and I managed to get much of the character textured, for now at least.  I've also started the head sculpt again from scratch, everything in this project so far has been redone to some extent at least 3 or 4 times. The head being a sort of grand finale needs to be 100% right so I will probably spend a bit more time on it than the rest. Still questioning the trouser folds a bit but I have committed for now, I can always go back later. I've learnt a lot on this project so far but I think I'm going to need some closure soon.  As per usual any feedback is appreciated. 

  • andrelopes
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    andrelopes polycounter lvl 6
    Man you've been doing an amazing Job!
    I can't critic you in the clothing cause i'm learning it myself but i can give my 2 cents on the likeness :)

    Likeness is very good, maybe the best thing, to train your observation. I know that in a fast production people tend to put images on top of the model so that they skip a lot that, like a quick cheat, but try to do more without it, purely with observation with references by side. (like in drawing - if you have the time)

    I can see some of the actor in what you did and is a very great effort. Still there are some things i will point out that might help you a bit on the likeness. Likeness this way takes time, and it's worth it, but since you want to call it off soon (and so that i don't give you a gigantic post) i'll only give you an overall Gif with the main points that you should try to fix:

    - Size and Shape of the head - Front, side and 3/4 - it´s a bit square and large.
    - Tip of the nose and nostrils width - lower and wider tip , thin nostrils.
    - The eye sockets shouldn't very deep near the nose, and  there is another plane between the nose and the forehead.
    - Size and shape of the mouth - should be a bit shorter and he has strong lips.
    - Skin wrinkles to strong and evident. Soften some of them, like near the eyes and the mouth.
    -  Careful with the shape of the eyes and the mass over the top eyelid. Specially next to the eyes, it's sculpted to much to the side.
    - There are more planes in the forehead, and the side planes of it should come a bit more to the center.

    If you look careful to each point in the gif, you can see diferences clearly.

    By no means the likeness feedback is perfect , theses things take time and more rests, so that you can spot more errors. And adjusting thinks with Liquify leaved some areas a little wonky xD Here are the references that i used:

    I hope i helped you in anything! :) Remember, try to use very little/no cheats in your personal projects. The less artistic shortcuts you use in these, the more you'll learn on observing references/life's details.

    Keep rocking! :D 
    @Dudestein Your Feedback rocked dude! :D
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I'm still pretty new to likeness sculpting and portraits in general. I'm really trying to push the boat out on this so if it takes a bit longer than I'm ok with that :) I completely understand where you are coming from with the observational stuff. It doesn't help that the reference varies so much. The gifs really put it into perspective, really appreciate it. Also keep up the work, I remember seeing your 100 eyes sculpt on artstation, you need to get it into real time next :) 
  • pixelpatron
  • andrelopes
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    andrelopes polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I'm still pretty new to likeness sculpting and portraits in general. I'm really trying to push the boat out on this so if it takes a bit longer than I'm ok with that :) I completely understand where you are coming from with the observational stuff. It doesn't help that the reference varies so much. The gifs really put it into perspective, really appreciate it. Also keep up the work, I remember seeing your 100 eyes sculpt on artstation, you need to get it into real time next :) 
    Ahhh man, thank you :) i'm very glad that i helped you in something. Yes, the 100 eyes bust is being my intro to game workflow :D going to start uvs and subpainter texturing :)

    Keep doing the amazing work! I want to reach this lvl one day :)
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Finally, got round to finishing this guy off, be it a couple months later than I had hoped. There is tonnes that could be improved but at this point I just need to call it done and move on. Nevertheless any feedback would be great, I really do feel like I improved during this even if my time management sucks. Onto to new things I guess... 

  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    That's done? He has no eyebrows or eyelashes. Texture work is lacking and could do with some love, especially the face (texture is no good) and the leather jacket. Don't call it early quits on such a great piece homie.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    this is coming along really well and has great potential! it would be really cool to see the face finished and more attention to weathering and story on the clothing - scuffs and dirt and frayed edges and flufff around the collar etc. It all just looks too perfect and clean still, which makes it too obviously cg and you also know the face isnt done. Maybe do something else for a bit and then come back to this when you have the energy as I reckon it could be a fantastic portfolio piece
  • Sam's_stuff
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    Sam's_stuff polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback guys, I've been so blind sided on this project that I can't believe I didn't even realise he didn't have any brows. I think I need to give this a bit of time and come back too it I think. Do some shorter projects or something.  
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