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Demo Reel 2017 WIP

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edlucas3rd triangle
Hey guys, so I finally got around to creating a reel. There are some shots that I think I still want to add, but as of now this is it. Appreciate any feedback!


  • AnthonyAnimation
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    AnthonyAnimation greentooth
    Hey Edward, thanks for sharing! If you want feedback on individual shots on a more detailed level you can post them separately, otherwise I can give some overall feedback. I like that the animation starts right away and you have some nice variety. The song choice is a little overplayed at this point, it's been in a ton of game trailers.

    First shot- camera shake is a bit much. It's a personal preference, but I think it can hide animation and is a cheap way to show weight. You can keep it, but I think it can be toned down a little.

    Second shot- some nice personality, there is some clipping in his hands/legs. Having his hands in fists seems a bit out of character as he's walking nonchalantly.

    3rd- Some nice action, but it's happening too fast and hard to read. If you want fast action have a nice antic and hold the hit before you move onto the next action.

    4th-This angle isn't necessary. If you change the camera to the previous shot to a little more 3/4 (or keeping it from a side view) it makes this obsolete. You only want to show multiple views if there's a reason to.

    5th- Pretty good! There's some IK popping you'll want to watch out for.

    6th- Nice personality. His legs are going straight back and sticking, it's a bit unnatural. Also his head twitch is hard to read and bit quick.

    7th- Nice to see some quadruped stuff. I'd recommend studying a bunch of reference. There needs to be more left and right movement in his feet. I'd also watch the timing of the back feet and the tail seems a little static.

    8th- There are some shapes that are hitting too late and a few shapes that could be strengthened.

    Overall you have a good base of things to polish up. Good luck!
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