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Modeling a sewing machine?

polycounter lvl 6
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radumitroi polycounter lvl 6
I've been struggling to model this old sewing machine for the past couple of days, but with no success. The way I did it was I modeled the silhouette of the machine (which I've done) and then extrude the margins with a mirror midifier. The part that bugs me is the roundness of it, I can't seem to get it right.
How would you model go about modeling this?


  • KurtR
    Offline / Send Message
    KurtR polycounter lvl 7
    What software do you use? There are usually several different ways to go about it.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Also, post your progress so far. Difficult to give advice without seeing your attempt.
  • radumitroi
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    radumitroi polycounter lvl 6
    KurtR said:
    What software do you use? There are usually several different ways to go about it.

     Blender, I forgot to mention.
  • radumitroi
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    radumitroi polycounter lvl 6
    Also, post your progress so far. Difficult to give advice without seeing your attempt.

    I started with a plane and traced the silhouette by extruding. I thinks it's just the topology that's causing me problems.

    After extruding the margins I try to bevel them to give that round look to it, but it doesn't look right, at the bottom at least.

  • KurtR
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    KurtR polycounter lvl 7
    Your topology doesn't really flow with the form, so its gets a bit hard controlling it. I would start from a box and a cylinder. The cylinder you just remove the ends and drag out along your reference image. Then you scale and move edges as needed to fit your shape. Do the same with the box, and connect the two.

  • KurtR
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    KurtR polycounter lvl 7
    Btw, I would go lower than I got there. I just did the default value when creating it at 18 sides.  8 or 12 sides should suffice, which makes it easier on you to connect the two parts later down the line.
  • radumitroi
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    radumitroi polycounter lvl 6
    KurtR said:
    Btw, I would go lower than I got there. I just did the default value when creating it at 18 sides.  8 or 12 sides should suffice, which makes it easier on you to connect the two parts later down the line.

    Yeah, that worked. I think my problem was that I was trying too much to do it in a single piece. Once I tried it your way, it became easy.
    Thank you for the advice.
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