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[W.I.P] House of Fairy Project

polycounter lvl 7
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Bobababooi polycounter lvl 7
Hi there! Been working on this House environment and decided to post upon here to show progress and hope to get some critques :D.

I'm building off this concept by Oku, https://www.artstation.com/artist/oku

The art aesthetic I'm going with as a reference in a way is the Fable Legends. Found several environment artists that worked on it on artstation and has been a great source to look at when approaching the materials. Throughout the process I found myself trying to determine what material is it on some areas of the concept. Here is my current progress and I am making a deadline myself to finish it in the end of February. There's still a lot of work ahead for me such as refining the textures, learn more of the Unreal Engine, and the lighting stage of which i have no knowledge of.  Thanks ahead for checking it out!


  • Kiyamlol
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    Kiyamlol polycounter lvl 12
    Hello Bobababooi,

    That is a stunning concept!

    I am liking the progress you have made :) I like the overall shape and work of planks on the balcony.

    What really bothers me  is the roof tiles. They look obviously flat with a height > normal map which doesn't create any interesting flecks, shadows and depth. etc. You want to capture those highlights from the skylight and interesting depth shadows just like the concept. The roof tiles are very important as it is a major part of the concept because of its style and vibrant hues. Perhaps you can do your roof with high poly tiles and bake it down?

    The woodwork have too many sharp edges making it look too low poly and gives the 'the straight from non-sculpting 3d app mesh' look. I suggest adding more cuts, chipping and soften the edges slightly.

     I don't think you have to necessarily restrict  yourself to such a low poly count. It wont hurt to have some jagged shapes here and there :) The building in the concept is slightly wonkier whereas your model is too clean. Rough it up a bit more to make it look slightly more organic. :)

  • Nars
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    Nars polycounter lvl 6
    Looks really good even as a WiP, keep up the good job!
  • Bobababooi
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    Bobababooi polycounter lvl 7
    Kiyamlol said:
    Hello Bobababooi,

    That is a stunning concept!

    I am liking the progress you have made :) I like the overall shape and work of planks on the balcony.

    What really bothers me  is the roof tiles. They look obviously flat with a height > normal map which doesn't create any interesting flecks, shadows and depth. etc. You want to capture those highlights from the skylight and interesting depth shadows just like the concept. The roof tiles are very important as it is a major part of the concept because of its style and vibrant hues. Perhaps you can do your roof with high poly tiles and bake it down?

    The woodwork have too many sharp edges making it look too low poly and gives the 'the straight from non-sculpting 3d app mesh' look. I suggest adding more cuts, chipping and soften the edges slightly.

     I don't think you have to necessarily restrict  yourself to such a low poly count. It wont hurt to have some jagged shapes here and there :) The building in the concept is slightly wonkier whereas your model is too clean. Rough it up a bit more to make it look slightly more organic. :)

    Hi Kiyamlol, thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated, I agreed with the flat lookness to the roof, Ima have to rebake it or approach the texture differently in Substance painter. And I actually did sculpt the roof high poly and bake it down haha. 
    And the woodwork criqtue def made sense to me. From a distance the wood does def look clean. Ill have to go re do the wood. 
    Tyvm again.
  • Bobababooi
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    Bobababooi polycounter lvl 7
    Nars said:
    Looks really good even as a WiP, keep up the good job!
    Tyvm Nars! : D
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