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Affinity Photo - Someone using it?

polycounter lvl 7
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gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
hi guys,
i am always interested in new programs - especially a good alternative for photoshop (and for my work indesign).
recently i found affinity photo and it looks like a great alternative for photoshop in terms of compositing.

affinity photo link - https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/

it looks very promising. the feature set sounds awesome and the price tag very, very low.
i think it is no real competition in terms of digital painting (for this we have krita), but for compositing? i am just curious about the quality of the raw converter. it has a built in openexr importer, but i read a few rumors about the raw converter/tone mapper itself. it is not half as good as the photoshop one or onecapture.

i dont know this is still a point for single cg shots, because all the guys are saying this, are photographer.

so - somebody used it before?


  • hentsteph
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    hentsteph polycounter lvl 14
    Hi, i just started using it instead of PSD... didn't do any RAW import so can't really say. As for photo compositing it's pretty good. It has good selections & a nice edge refine tool. It has a lot of level adjustments. I find the brushes nicer than PSD aldo not as responsive.
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    are you using affinity in a professional environment or for personal use?
    how solid is the psd output?

    to bad, you don't use raw output.
    for myself, i want to achieve better image quality in terms of more control over colors. i am rendering now 16/32bit openexrs and a built in raw engine with multi layer import would be nice. we can get this with photoshop to, but just with plugins or 3rd party scripts - the native way would be better.
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    If you want to know if it works for your cases, look at their stellar richly tutorial filled official vimeo account
    or at these videos;

    It will also help a lot to write bug reports at their forum ,add feature wishes and send files which might need to be looked at.
    The developers are friendly and are fixing a lot of stuff. :)

    I like and use the Affinity product line and especially Affinity Photo is a joy to use.

  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    The past year I spent so much time in Photoshop that you'd be surprised as what you can do, like with Maya or Max etc it's a deep program. I'm trying to push some features for Project Felix, hope and see :smile:
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    It looks very promising to be honest and it feels right how serif is publishing their software. For every feature a in-house tutorial. Wow. This is really great. 

    Yesterday I downloaded the trial on a Mac (to bad, there is no Windows trial already) and it was quite interessting to see the minor differences. Well, I never use the liuqify function, but to implenet a wireframe is just smart and the kind of smartness runs through the wohle program. As you can see, I am a bit hyped...but i think I cant use it for professional work :/
    There is at the moment no point for me in this part of my work to switch, but I will buy a copy for personal use. 

    Raise the flag for new programs :D

    But the question is still there and I hope someone has great experience in terms of the usage in conjunction with photoshop and the raw converter. 
  • PollySong
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    PollySong polycounter lvl 14
    I was on the beta and got a mail saying that right now it's 20% off. I really want to like it, but the one thing I couldn't get past was the way you change the brush size/hardness. In PS you can hold ALT while moving the wacom pen above the wacom surface, but in Affinity Photo it's a lot more complicated. I think it was left AND right mouse buttons while dragging on the wacom surface, which makes a big difference after a while. So even though I want to support them (and also get 20% off), I know I'll go back to PS after a while because of this.
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    Isn't there the possibility to change this behavior? Okay, dumb question - I think you already tried it.
    This is indeed a big downer, but maybe they will change it ... and in the case the don't do it. Well, it's a question of relearning it.

    I am also hyped about Publisher and a seamless pipeline is it worth to change the way of handling the tools.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    ctrl + alt + left-drag sideways changes brush size in affinity, up-down changes hardness.

    i've been using the app as a photoshop replacement for texturing for a while now - however mainly so on mac where i think performance overall so far is a little better/smoother than on the windows version. at any rate they had an extremely short beta on that windows version. closest app to photoshop that i have ever come across and IMO feeling better in the painting department (also when coupled with designer) and able to work on big documents, so i'm not complaining.
    i think you'll mostly run into trouble when you try to port very specific photoshop workflows over or depend very heavily on plugins.

    other cool stuff: they don't require latest & greatest OS - not such a big deal on windows perhaps but on mac it can be quite annoying. i'm just hoping they won't hop on the subscription train anytime soon, jack up their prices considerably - or get bought out by a certain someone who's already into both.

    edit: i just checked and the shortcut for brush size is different between mac and windows affinity programs. on windows it's indeed quite awkward: hold alt and right mouse butten and then drag on the canvas. finger ballet! almost softimage style. ;)

  • hentsteph
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    hentsteph polycounter lvl 14
    thomasp said:

    "i'm just hoping they won't hop on the subscription train anytime soon, jack up their prices considerably - or get bought out by a certain someone who's already into both."

    I second this. No one was paying attention when they only had the Plus line of Windows software but now that has changed. People are talking about them much more & they are getting people to cross over that didn't buy in the rental model. Now they are getting noticed.

    The more i use Affinity Photo the more i think it could become my main photo editing software. The only one i would really be missing is Quixel.

  • PollySong
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    PollySong polycounter lvl 14
    hentsteph said:

    The more i use Affinity Photo the more i think it could become my main photo editing software. The only one i would really be missing is Quixel.
    Isn't Affinity Photo supposed to be able to load PS plugins?
  • gestoryscht
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    gestoryscht polycounter lvl 7
    It is, but I think quixel is a bit too specific for this kind of "plugin", because it isn't a real plugin. Quixel is a standalone program, which is taking usage of the photoshop tools - but hey. Never tried it. While it is Christmas, I will take a try!
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    I can´t write on behalf of the Quixel Team nor the Affinity Photo team,
    but  there is an unoffical Normalmap/heightmap solution in the making for Affintiy Photo.
    It already supports vector shapes, brush input, text, easy layering and a couple other features.
    like inward/outward, curve settings to change the appearance and a couple other things.


    Its by no means perfect and needs quite a lot more work but its a step to make Affintiy Photo more usable for 3D-Artists.

  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Last day for $10 off
  • Daf57
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    Daf57 polycounter lvl 9
    I've been using it for about a month now as direct PS replacement. It was a fairly easy transition. There are a few little things to get used to but for the most part I think it's going to do the job nicely. :)
  • myclay
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    myclay polycounter lvl 10
    the unofficial normalmap/heightmap solution for Affinity Photo is now available.

    more information about the available functions is on the
    gumroad page;


  • hentsteph
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    hentsteph polycounter lvl 14
    myclay said:
    the unofficial normalmap/heightmap solution for Affinity Photo is now available.

    more information about the available functions is on the
    gumroad page;


    Nice, i will get this :)

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