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z-brush UVS and textures

polycounter lvl 4
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SLIVIZ polycounter lvl 4
Hey all,

I have been trying without luck to produce a UV map in zbrush for a model I created recently so I can render it in keyshot.

I have no subdivisions on the model so I used the zrmesher method to create a low poly version of my model. 
I then created a UV map of the low poly subtool of my model, copied and pasted it into the high poly subtool and hit morph UV to check it.

The uv map lost all its shape and was basically a mess.

Now my question to all you avid users is what am I missing? I followed a tutorial word for word and its still not working correctly.

Any advice would be a great help.




  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    You might want to check this post and the following few, which I think cover your issue.

  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    SLIVIZ said:
    "I have no subdivisions on the model so I used the zrmesher method to create a low poly version of my model. 
    I then created a UV map of the low poly subtool of my model, copied and pasted it into the high poly subtool and hit morph UV to check it. The uv map lost all its shape and was basically a mess."

    When you copy UVs in Zbrush, you're copying data based on the vertex numbers of the mesh. Vertex#001 will have this UV coordinate, Vertex#002 will have this coordinate, and so on. So when you copy and paste, you need to make sure that your vertex data is identical from one mesh to another. If Vertex#10234 is right on the tip of Model_A's nose, that's where it needs to be on Model_B. In other words, copying and pasting is only meant to transfer between clones. 

    But when you use zremesher, you're creating a brand new model with it's own topology. It will have its own set of vertices that are in completely different spots under the hood, and more than likely will lack at least a few hundred thousand vertices compared to the highpoly. Genetically these are two drastically different models. 

    I imagine what you're supposed to do is turn your Zremeshed model into a new highpoly sculpt. After you UV it, use Subtool's Project All option to project it's surface to match the highpoly's surface. Subdivide and repeat the projection until you;re left with a model that has all the detail along with several subdivision levels (and UVs). 
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    SLIVIZ polycounter lvl 4
    I see that makes perfect sense. Thanks so much I managed to make it work now :)
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