Hello everyone. I'm trying to get GoZ to work.
Maya 2016.5 SP1
ZBrush 4R7 P3
When I click GoZ in ZBrush, Maya responds with this error message.
// Error: file: C:/Users/Public/Pixologic/GoZApps/Maya/GoZBrushToMaya.mel line 136: Plug-in, "Mayatomr", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH.
Mayatomr is Maya's plugin for mental ray. This didn't make sense to me since Mental ray is a rendering program and GoZ is a mesh transfer function. But oh well. I went to the plugins menu to enable mayatomr and it wasn't showing up like it normally does. I installed it from the Autodesk website.
It still won't show up even after killing the prefs folder.
I went to Maya's plugin window and mayatomr was still not showing up. I tried it with Maya2014 and it worked just fine. And the mayamtomr plugin wasn't listed there either. So why is 2016.5 rejecting it?
And even then, is this what GoZ actually wants? It makes absolutely no sense to require a rendering plugin for a mesh transfer function.
I'm not sure what in MR it needs, Maybe some special sauce for moving data between apps? But this thread suggests that commenting out the requirement in the script might work too. Or check for an updated GoZ script, since Mental Ray isn't a Maya thing anymore
I even tried moving the .mll file to Maya's bin/plug-ins folder and manually load it from there with no luck. Every time I google this, I see this question unanswered. Is the answer so obvious and we're all just so dumb that people just choose to ignore it?
Turns out the SP1 was just an appendage to the original EXT2 so the order in which they are installed matters. Mayatomr SHOWS UP. I started dancing with joy until...
// Error: line 1: Plug-in, "Mayatomr" was compiled against too old a version of the Maya API and is thus incompatible with the current Maya version. (Mayatomr)
Literally about to throw all three of my monitors out of my apartment.
Next you'll need to go to the new folder C:\Program files\Autodesk\mentalrayForMaya2016.5\plug-ins and copy the Mayatomr.mll
Now go to C:\[Username]\Documents\maya\plug-ins\bin\ and drop in the Mayatomr.mll file you just placed.
Now we need to update a Windows environment variable. Go to Control Pannel>Systems>Advanced and add a new variable. In the new diolog box enter...
Varible Value: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016.5\bin\plug-ins
Say ok and close Maya.
Now try GoZ in ZBrush with the path set to Maya 2016 by going to Preferences>GoZ.
its as easy as this:
go to the file:
and remove or comment out the lines 132-138:
132 // // ------------------------------------------
133 // // GoZBrushToMaya requires Mental Ray plugin.
134 // if (`pluginInfo -query -loaded -name "Mayatomr"`==0)
135 // {
136 // loadPlugin "Mayatomr" ;
137 // //setCurrentRenderer mentalRay;
138 // }
Save and try again... that's it.
Turns out mental ray is not really needed!
Cheers - have fun!
I just hacked the code of the GoZ Mel script and it worked. It just loads a blinn but will set Arnold to default.
Go to path "C:\XXX\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps\Maya"
Locate GoZBrushToMaya.mel, copy and rename the copy GoZBrushToMaya.mel.bak
Open GoZBrushToMaya.mel, replace this section:
// GoZBrushToMaya requires Mental Ray plugin.
if (`pluginInfo -query -loaded -name "Mayatomr"`==0)
loadPlugin "Mayatomr" ;
//setCurrentRenderer mentalRay;
To this section:
// GoZBrushToMaya requires Arnold plugin.
if (`pluginInfo -query -loaded -name "mtoa"`==0)
loadPlugin "mtoa" ;
//setCurrentRenderer arnold;
Save the Mel script, happy GoZ-ing!