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Wacom MobileStudio Pro announced

polycounter lvl 13
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OniLolz polycounter lvl 13

Just announced, more info here http://www.wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-computers/wacom-mobilestudio-pro-16#Overview

The 16" version with 4K res seems like a sweet spot between a companion and cintiq, but it will probably cost a fortune. a QHD version would be good enough (like the 13").


  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    Yeah, not a chance. The Companions are already absurdly expensive, and I'm sure they'll be charging a hell of a lot more for that 3D scan feature that most people will never use. I certainly won't.
    Nice specs, though.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    "Prices start at $1499 for an entry-level model with an Intel processor, 64GB of storage, and a 13.3 inch, 2560 x 1440 pixel display...

    Higher-priced options include a 3D camera, up to 512GB of storage, and the 15.6 inch model is available with optional NVIDIA Quadro M600M or M1000M graphics and an optional 4K display.

    Those extra features will cost you though: a top-of-the-line model will sell for $2999." [liliputing]
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    $3k, yeah, that's about what I expected. I couldn't justify that even if I did have the money.
  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 13
    There is a middle spec version tho, that should cost $1999. Still too expensive
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    So, pretty much the companion3 with a new size option.  The companion2 is really awesome, though the price is absolutely daunting.
  • 3devo
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    3devo polycounter lvl 12
    Wacom's always charged through the nose for their stuff.  I don't ever see that changing however some positives you guys have missed
     UP TO 16GB RAM
    8192 level pen sensitivity. 
    Sure it ain't cheap.  But pro tools often aren't. 
     To be clear nobodies offering all that in a tablet(not even microsoft). 
    And you can still attach it your pc(with an additional piece of hardware). 
    My only real problem is it probably won't be available in my country for 6 to 9 months going on previous Wacom release windows. 

  • Geexile
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    Geexile polycounter lvl 8
    The cool thing about that tablet, is that  can be hooked up with Wacom Link to normal PC and it can be used like standard Cintiq .  So you can use it like Cintiq  every work day ,  and when you need to go mobile you just remove the cables and go mobile :) . And the bigger one of them is 16``, i think should be okay for Cintiq ....it`s not like 13``.  But yeah the price will be pretty steep.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    I'm glad they've finally gotten rid of parallax and lag, but I wouldn't want to be an early adopter on another Wacom mobile after my dud of a Companion 2.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    at those prices, buy an actual computer and a cintiq lol.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    Actually... I think I've changed my mind on this. It's substantially stronger than the $2,700 Surface Book (faster GPU with 4x the VRAM), with the extremely useful addition of the side keys, and can be used as a 16" Cintiq, valued at roughly $1,200. Meaning it's technically worth over $4,000.
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
  • Geexile
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    Geexile polycounter lvl 8
    yeah me too, if i have the money to do so . However this new pro pen and display  would be great new features for the new Cintiqs which should be cheaper ,  so i may wait to see  them and buy one.
  • knacki
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    knacki polycounter lvl 11
    I had the chance to play around with the 16"  top model.

    I played 30 min with it - no real test but a first glimpse.
    It's kind of huge already.
    Too big & heavy to hold it with one arm and draw with the other for longer.
    But feels much better than the older cintiq computer.
    The display looks gorgeous. Sharp, just fun even with small font.
    Parallax effect is less.
    Zbrush is working fluently, heavy dynamesh operations with 2 million points are still ok speedwise.
    Photoshop was quick too, and even 8k with 300dpi was doable....for sure with a little lag on bigger brushes, but that's the same on my desktop.
    Pressure sensitivity: well I have an old cintiq 21ux (intuos3 technology) and a intuos pro with double steps.
    While there is slightly a difference between those two it is not a monster difference - if well adjusted.
    Same here. Better but hadn't time to adjust it properly. So the "felt" difference was not that huge as the amount of 8 time more steps would let you expect. I am pretty sure with some time one can really get delicious results with it.
    3D cam
    Saw one wacom guy doing 3d scans with the build in camera, didn't test it by my own. No idea if he was not familiar with it or if it was just a bad example... wasn't looking very promising - same quality as 123D catch to me. But maybe it is much better. I would have loved to get the computer for 100 bucks less without this 3D .....toy. (My personal opinion)

    Will I buy it?
    Hell! that's a difficult question. As a backup computer when I am on the road it's quite big and very expensive. But I wanna have a real gpu. Alternative there is the surface book pro.
    Smallest surface with gpu is around 1800€ against 2600€ for smallest wacom with gpu........
    Highest version can't replace a mobile workstation like the lenovo p70 fully equipped - which is 700 more "only"
    Have no real idea actually and as all my stuff have to be bought new in next time.... :(

  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    testdriving my 13" i7 right now.... so far i love it...

  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    How do the parallax, latency and tracking compare? How well does it do with very light marks that barely touch the surface?
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    parallas is nearly gone... latency is still there... you feel the lag in photoshop and painter pro...
    light brush stokes are still hard to do but much better compared to the companion2...
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Wait for HDR Wacom Tablets :smile:

  • ribrado
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    ribrado polycounter lvl 17
    Does it work well with substance painter/designer? 
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