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Railroad Refueling - Environment[UE4]

polycounter lvl 10
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AdvisableRobin polycounter lvl 10
Hey Polycount. This is going to be a progress thread for some work I've been doing on the side. I've noticed that I've been procrastinating quite a lot in the last few weeks and its starting to bug me that I can't seem to shake it. So it was suggested that I start making a habit of daily work and daily posting, even if it isn't a ton of progress just some guide rails to get me back on track. :D

The concept of this environment is based heavily around a now deserted refueling station for a rail-line. I've always been very taken in with the Destiny-Earth architecture which is really similar to a brutalist style architecture. Lots of concrete, hard angles and fun shapes., think the Forerunner buildings from Halo. I want to play a bit with some scifi elements as I imagine this station was build in the near future and is now being re-explored in the far future.

I welcome all feedback and critique!

Link to Ref Imgur gallery http://imgur.com/a/7bsPy

Day 1: Some initial blockout work and testing in Unreal. A biggest chunk of work that I did over the weekend really, but we'll call it Day 1 since I am starting this trial from this point.


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