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Trying to sculpt a face

polycounter lvl 3
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ludzon polycounter lvl 3
So this is the best I can do. It looks like a face but at the same time not realistic, I would think that something is wrong if I saw this guy on the street. Although I have no idea what wrong with it. All suggestions are welcome.


  • xerpe
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    xerpe polycounter lvl 6
    Whats your reference? For starters maybe bring his eyes and nose down he looks weird because of the short ForeHead to Long jaw/ mouth Area ratio. Also Upper lip ussualy Goes over the Lower lip. They look a little fake to me . would also  suggest smoothing it out a little.

    Hope it helps 
  • lkameen3
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    lkameen3 polycounter lvl 2
    the eyes are around the halfway point of the head. you need to go back through and rework the skull shape.  the eyes are also much too big.  bring his ears out a little more as well. a lot of people forget about that area behind the ears.

    Good start, keep going
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    It looks tight, but I think whats bothering you are the proportions on the face yo. Really take a close look at how close/far things are on the face to one another. 
  • ludzon
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    ludzon polycounter lvl 3
    Woaw! Thanks for all the great answers! After moving the eyes down and doing some measuring I can't believe how I didn't see that the eyes were way too high! I also made the eyes bit smaller and pulled out the ears. Here he is now, will continue fixing him up tomorrow! Is his chin too large btw?
  • ludzon
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    ludzon polycounter lvl 3
    Made some big changes to his face after learning more about the measurements of the face. He still looks bit weird though, so all tips are appreciated!
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