Hi everyone !
I'm a French 3d student looking for criticisms and advices on this project, to help me improve my work.
In fact, I have spend many hours on texturing and now I'm having trouble to have a critical look on it.
That's why I turn to you. (Some parts have not been textured yet, such as the dashboard).
Thanks in advance !

On the bottom image, the door doesn't appear to fit into the it's frame. They also have a dent that runs vertically through them (both doors) that doesn't look very natural.
Your lights don't really look like lights. They're reading as emissive, but I don't see them really casing much light on the metal around them. Look at
Part of the solution might lay in post processing.
What was the reference you used for your jeep? The edges look very sharp and maybe a little on the low poly side, but I want to see what you were aiming to hit before I can comment further.
I have fixed the weird dent on the door. For the light, I've tried to increase the emissive value, but I'm not satisfied with the result so i will search an other way to do it.
In the previous images, I completely forgot to activate Turbosmooth, that's why it's low poly looking i think. There is an other images where turbosmooth is enabled but that seems not to change many things.
Here are the references I used :