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!!! GUN PROP Serious critiques needed !!!

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mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
Work on a new gun prop critiques are very welcomed. Super early in it so far blocking out the general silhouette starting to work on more of the actual shape now before getting into details (so it isn't just boxes).
~ Concept courtesy of AbyssWatchers from Deviant art ~


  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    It looks a little to wide.
    When I do a firearm I always start with the bullet. Why? Because all the weapons parts are sized around this (mag size, barrel diameter etc).
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    It is quite wide rate now just boxes it is going to be cylindrical I'm going over everything now trying to get the more actual shape. Just was blocking it out so I wasn't working from a blank canvas haha. Thank you for the tip any others are extremely welcome! I'll size the width down as I going through it right now.
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    I have a question if someone could offer some advice. I started to bevel some of the major edges (With the screenshot I only started it on the selected part.) Would it be better to bake that down to the low poly or keep the extra geometry? Just would like to know before I get too far.
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    There are a few extra lines going around the mesh I plan on making some Tris later on just want to keep the topology at the moment since I'm going to take it into Zbrush
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Had a chance to work on it some more still running though the model trying to get the base low poly form down based off the reference and combining the various different parts into one. 
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Been at work the past few days and just playing a bit of black Desert online but quick update. Worked on the scope attachment and the area around it. Took a closer shot of it any thoughts? 
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Another update Working on more of the body all around and combing more parts together in the geometry. Working on the launcher at the bottom of the gun at the moment.  
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Done the low poly for the most part (Need to add a bit smaller details bolts and such etc). Doing last bit of cleaning up on the low poly before I take it to Zbrush. If I could get some critiques so far especially before I get to Zbrush part that would be really amazing!!
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Turn off the wires.  Can't see how your forms separate.
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    One without wireframe though I was hoping to get my wireframe of my mesh critiqued as well.
  • Dethling
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    Dethling polycounter lvl 11
    I wouldn't care a lot for the wireframe during the block out phase. Once you have the low poly and high poly done you can optimize your wireframe (as long as you don't get it to mess up^^).

    For the model itself:
    The front part looks to "one-part" for me. I would separate the casing from the interior to get some nice insets.
    Also the stock looks a little bit to big.
    All in all the rifle looks front-heavy, cumbersome and the proportion seems to be off.

    Maybe take a look at real world weapons (e.g. the MK 14 EBR looks really similar to this one)
    Also try to get a understanding for the purpose of the rifle. Should it be a sniper rifle, assault rifle, anti-material rifle? This defines the general form etc. of the weapon

  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks a lot for the critique needed it trying to keep the balance between the concept and looking at other types of guns. I'll try and lean it towards the gun you suggest and take a bit more creative freedom with it haha. From the concept it is suppose tob e a hybrid of a sniper and assault rifle that can shoot single or burst shots. I'll play with the form a bit and see how it turns out. Thanks again!
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Feeling I'm on the right track at the moment which is good. Have some cover letters to write and work tomorrow. Hoping I can get the changes done by thursday and be hopefully ready to Zbrush. Still happy to have any other critiques as well if anyone notices anything thanks!
  • mag7spy
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    mag7spy polycounter lvl 5
    Distractions took a bit longer then i expect but I got around to doing some tweaks on the gun. Hard to see from this image but separated the barrel from the gun and made it so you can see inside the case of the gun. Work around trying to keep it to reference but tweaking the sizing of it here to make the gun seem although heavy a bit more manageable .
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