Home Quixel Megascans

Answered: When will Megascans be useful for anything other than terrain and foilage?

polycounter lvl 18
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Lead polycounter lvl 18
DDO comes with a variety of categories, although limited.

However, so far Megascans seems to be entirely focused on dirt\stone and leaves.

I'm left wondering when we're going to see things like various metals, lumber, plastics, synthetics etc?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    The answer to this question is located at the bottom of Megascans.se :)

    We're releasing content in waves. We're currently in wave 1.5.

    1st Wave
    Jungle, Rainforest, Desert & Wasteland Biomes

    2nd Wave
    Nordic Biome, Australian Lava Ecosystem, 3D Trees & Foliage

    3rd Wave
    Fabric, Brick, Tile & Wood Surface Scans

    4th Wave
    Metal, Plastic & Rubber Surface Scans

    As far as "when will we see wave 3 and 4", that I can't give specific answers to yet - but I have seen some of the scans in-progress, so it should be within a few months I'd imagine!
  • Lead
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    Lead polycounter lvl 18
    Oh wow, I've been going the the Quixel site to check on Megascan news for over a year, and checking the Megascan site since it was available.

    In the time it has been online I've never felt the need to scroll that far down the introduction page far enough to locate that given I've known what it was for quite some time.

    Thanks for the heads up.
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