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crits for anatomy study

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Sarsky vertex

every day i spend a hour doing anatomy studies/tracing and then a hour sculpting anatomy like this, i am loking for crits on my current progress and any and all advice is apreciated so i can further my udnerstanding of sculpting and form.

i ahvent got to work on the ahnds or feet yet. the face i am slowly working onto, i think i have spent 5 or 7 hours into this.

jsut going to try taking this as far as i can so i cna get all the anatomical knowledge i need for the next one then the enxt one and etc.


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Drop to a lower resolution.  You're going way too high.  There's a lot of gestural and proportional issues we need to tackle at a lower resolution before you move into medium forms and details.

    First thing that stands out to me is that you don't have the trapezius blocked in at all.  The line from the neck to the shoulders is just neck, and then shoulder horizontal.  You need to add in the triangle shape the trapezius creates.

  • Sarsky
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    Sarsky vertex
    @Brian thanks man! yeah i was struggling with interpretting the back a little, the trapezius form looks quite smooth on there and i didnt want to overdefine or add in too much shap but ill probably try adjusting the proportions and shape. also i cna see the problem from the shoulders, i really need to seperate and buff out a little of the form and have the traps go to the cranial mass... plus i tihnk the 7th cervical vertabrae is just a divot or whatever the term is.

    also i decided for when i posted this i would post it on a hgiher sub division, its currently got like 4 subs or 5 i am usually working round about 2-3 since its been done with a  z sphere. i'll try to add the medium forms later and get mroe o the shape and proportions into it, i was strugglign a little to get the silohoutette. ill probably take a snip it shot then lookat it int ehre and adjust base don comparison to reference.

    really apreciate the help! glad i got someone looking out for me!

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