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Tribal Soul Warrior


Hello Everyone, My name is Melvin Rodriguez. As some of you might have been at some point or another, I’ve been a long time reader and recently decided to create my first forum post. I’ve always seen artist’s walk us through their creation process and been fascinated with the way other artists solve problems or approach specific tasks. So finally I’m going to make a walk through of a new project I’m going to start. I Look forward to getting feedback and learning as much as possible from this amazing community by sharing the process.

I’ve already gathered some ref and know what I’m looking for as far as final product. Also I’ve located two tutorials that will be of particular help. The first one about sculpting dreadlocks in ZBrush and the other one about rendering eyes. Planning to Render in UE4.

So as you'll see in the ref sheet, this is mainly inspired by the Witch Doctor from Diablo 3. For the body I'll mainly be referencing Usain Bolt, the runner from Jamaica. He has weirdly proportioned musculature so i'll go with that. As far as the design itself, ill mainly reference the concept art that follows with a lot of input from real life warriors like the huge earrings Body paint, etc.

Body Ref

Design Ref


  • elmamello
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    elmamello null
    So here's what i got after the first few hours of work. Wanted to share these ASAP so I could get any crits/comments on it for when I work on it tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Hey, nice start! First I wonder if you are aiming for something more semi realistic or complete realism, his face seems to be somewhere in between right now and I think it would work better to pull it further in the direction you want it. Secondly I think his hip looks very wide, so I'd say either make it smaller or widen the shoulders to make it proportionally smaller. I also think the scapula gets a bit lost atm.

    Keep up the good work! :smiley:

  • elmamello
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    elmamello null
    Hey thanks for writing Maxilator, he's definitely going to be stylized, so i'll be pushing it on that side. As far as the body goes I'm going to widen the shoulders and give him a more pronounced rib cage to give him an imposing look, I'll also be connecting the body and the head.
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