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web app for client to alter renders?

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finleyENV null
Hey everyone. I'm trying to see if there's a web app that already exists before we go through the process of making one. 

I'm looking for a way to create a render of an environment and be able to have the client click on a specific object in it (walls, a table, ect.) and change to color of it, or even swap out for a different texture. The purpose of this would be to speed up the process of the client giving notes on a design, and give them a little more creative control.

Again, I'm not sure if something like this already exists or not, and have had no luck searching on my own. If anyone knows of something like this, I'd greatly appreciate any information you could give me. 

Thank you!!


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Can you do it in UE4 ?  I feel like this is too specific on each project to have a common app do it for you...
  • Eric Chadwick
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    If you're talking about pre-rendered still images, any decent compositing app can re-texture on-the-fly, as long as you have the right passes pre-rendered.

    AfterEffects just to pick an easy example:

    You could render lots of different passes... color IDs, depth, etc.

    You could do all this in real-time as well, using a game engine. But you would need a little bit of custom logic for picking, manipulating, etc.
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