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Portfolio: Personal Website and/or Artstation?

polycounter lvl 7
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BasicallyNormal polycounter lvl 7
With ArtStation becoming the host for many people's professional portfolios, I've been thinking about letting my portfolio site hosting expire in favor of an ArtStation page.

Do you think a personal website is needed if you have an ArtStation portfolio page?


  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    I personally prefer the customisability of a personal website, that and the fact people are more likely to remember a custom website to a large number of almost identical portfolios in layout. Features such as custom URL, password protected pages and more are not currently implemented in Artstation yet (and at this rate it may be a long time before they are)

    Cost can be one concern with a custom portfolio, but I personally think it is not so much of an issue if you are not struggling for money as it is an important thing to get and if you shop around you can get it for quite cheap (I pay £6 a year for hosting my website and £6 a year for the domain name)

    Creating your portfolio website can be a hassle though (I only just recently re-vamped mine) but I personally think it is worth it.

    Although saying that you can also get an Artstation portfolio in addition to your current portfolio if you want your work to be seen in more places if you are not too fussed about having it displayed differently in another place.
  • defragger
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    defragger sublime tool
    as someone who has to look through portfolios I dont recommend using a personal website. 90% of personal portfolios have such a strange layout and strange taste to them leaving a rather poor first impression.

    On the other hand everyone will be instantly familiar with artstation and the first impression will be your art and nothing else.
  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 8
    I am still a student and can only talk about things that lectures from the industry told me. They always say it doesnt matter where you will show your work, only your art is important. So for the reason to get a job, artstation will do the job for sure! But if you want to have your personal website, talk with people and let them test the usabilty. Like fragger mentioned before, also dont put in fancy useless shit, they dont have the time to install hundrets of plugins just to see one of maybe thousends of portfolios. They dont care. They just want to see your art as easy as possible. 
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