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Lily - Video game in Unity 5 / Unity Awards 2016

polycounter lvl 2
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FlorianC polycounter lvl 2
Hello Polycount, my name is Florian Coudray, and I'm very excited to present Lily, a character I've had the pleasure to work on during the last months for my Student project.

"Lily - Colors of Santa Luz" is a game developed by 9 students in ISART Digital Paris.
Much more to come on other characters, environments, and the game itself very soon ! Check out our facebook for more informations :  facebook.com/lilycolorsofsantaluz/ 

Concept, sculpt, low poly & texturing by Florian Coudray 
Setup & animations by Alex Accorsi 
Art Direction in collaboration with Alex Accorsi. 

Find out more about the game artists on the project : 
Alex Accorsi artstation.com/artist/alexaccorsi 
Florian Coudrayartstation.com/artist/floriancoudray
Perrine Lozinguez perrine-lozinguez.weebly.com 
Garance Royèregaranceroy.tumblr.com

Final render in real time in Unity 5 :

Sculpt, texturing and low poly : 

Some in-game screenshots :


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