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Night Light Pulse Rifle (Destiny inspired)


Final images further below


hey everyone, saw a few weapons being posted and decided to show what i've been working on for a while. this is my Kinetic Rifle that i have been working on during my lunch breaks. so far i only have the low poly done which you can see below. next i will start working on the high poly in Zbrush.

decided to switch from Mudbox to Zbrush so i need to go through some tutorials before going forward with the high poly.

all C&C welcome :)

*****Redesigned model and sketches further in the thread*****


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I'm not finding the design appealing.

    Are you opposed to redoing the gun's design overall, or do you want to just get it done as best you can?
  • wireframefox
    hey Brian, I am not opposed to redoing it, this is just a practice piece for me and if it looks really good in the end maybe it will also a portfolio piece as well.
  • wireframefox
    JoshuaG said:
    Vaguely reminds me of this D12 shotgun. I'd say you should model this that way you can keep the overall shape the same. I have more refs too.
    hey JoshuaG, that does look similar and close to what my original idea was like. when i first designed this on paper i used my Nerf gun as inspiration but wanted a clean style design to it, hence the flat sides. but i think i will go back to that design to make it more interesting :)

    also love your AR Sniper model

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I'd sketch out your idea for what the gun will look like in the end before committing to a new 3D model.

    Critiquing this current one, things that come up for me:
    1) Why is the magazine so complex looking if it only holds bullets?
    2) Where is the upper curvature for the tumb palm bump on the trigger handle?
    3) What is that thing tube coming along the body of the gun?  What does it do exactly?  Why is it there?  It seem out of placed.
    4) How do you eject the magazine?  Is there a button for it?
    5) How do you charge the gun? Is there a handle for it?

    A lot of these are in regards to gun design, but considerations you should really look into answering effectively to make your gun come together as one.  NERF weapons, while toyified, do still share a lot of the same shape language that modern weapons have.
  • wireframefox
    thanks for the feedback guys. did a quick paint over with some references, so let me know what you guys think of the design

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Looks better.  Where's the charge handle for the magazine?
  • wireframefox
    knew i forgot something last night, here's an updated doodle

  • wireframefox
    Luckily had a day off work so I took a few hours to work on this. Still need to finish the handle, sight, and a few more details, but here is where the low poly is now at. Let me know what you guys think of this :D

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you have other shots beyond a profile one?  A gun's look tends to also involve it's first person view among others if this is intended for an FPS.

    Why is the charge handle smaller than a penny?  Most guns tend to have a charge handle that's larger than how you have it now.  Can you imagine pulling back on that in real life comfortably, @wireframefox ?

    There's still a lot of negative space inside the gun's silhouette that could use more medium detail to help this not feel so flat and boxy.  That weapon Joshua posted does a good job of that: 

    And we're talking larger details than the barrel vents you have at the front cowl of the gun.

    You're getting there, just need to really think about the art direction of this gun, not just "the rule of cool."
  • wireframefox
    Brian "Panda" Choi for the feedback again, and all the help you've been giving! Still pretty new to the forums and glad someone is helping me on this process.

    I only included the profile shot before because I didn't symmetry out the other half. But this time I have included multiple shots of where I'm at before I head off to work. Also included a first person view as well. Some parts are just blocked in now to try and get a feel for it to see if it works or not. Also the I haven't touched the handle yet, so there's still work that needs to be done there.

    I guess I should have mentioned this in my original post, but my art direction is to create a Destiny style weapon.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I'm not seeing it if this is supposed to be a Destiny weapon.  Just the overall shape language feels inconsistent, and I don't feel like there's a "theme" to the gun, like how in Destiny, the Thorn is about the spiky, emanating, necromancer.  Your additions of the picatinny rails, negative space placement, etc.  It's just not feeling like a cohesive design.  What is it supposed to be about?  Spike?  Rainbows?  Anger?  Hope?

    Your rifle right now, it's difficult what the character of the weapon is, really.  There's no real one Destiny gun, it's more about what the gun itself is about.

    I'd recommend either really making sure your original concept sketch is cogent and has a good design because before it still needed work, or I'd get an existing concept from Destiny and just focus on recreating that. 

    Isaac Hannaford is one of the big ones that contributed to the more "military" aesthetic of Destiny, I'd really check out his weapon concepts.

  • wireframefox
    So I spent some time and went back to the drawing board on this one. First i pulled up my original drawing of the Kinetic Rifle from probably a year ago.

    A few months ago I decided to streamline the idea which turned out to make the design boring, which I totally agree after looking at my original idea. So I looked at a bunch of pulse rifles from Destiny and from that link @Brian provided and took some ideas from my original drawing. Then ended up with 2 new designs that continue off the more recent redesign of my rifle.

    At first I almost went with the rainbow theme cause @Brian mentioned it, but i decided to go with how I like to play in shooter games and in Destiny. So here is my redesigned pulse rifle called the Night Light. The idea I had behind it was that it's impact increases for a short period of time when you generate light. I came up with 2 designs and over time started to prefer the bottom one (as you can see with the more detail in it), but I want to see what you guys think.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The top one has a better shape language, but you should spend more time fleshing it out.  Right now, it's reading flat.  Work out the internal elements out more with more thumbnails.  like 20 thumbnails.

    How are you communicating the theme of the name in the gun?  Right now, it just looks like a regular rifle.
  • wireframefox
    Didn't do a full 20 thumbnails but did end up with 7 at least. I'm personally leaning towards H.

    The theme of the gun is in the light rails on the side and the effect. When a players guardian generates light the bars will illuminate for 3 mins. During this time the impact will increase, then after a min the first light bar will turn off. So it will work like a timer where every bar is a min. The reason for the name is a kids night light pushes away (impact) the darkness in the room (enemies).

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    This is good progress, but I really think there's an opportunity to really flesh out how the lights appear.  

    Like really ask yourself in what other ways could I display three light nodes on this gun?

    Could it be an ethereal fire?

    A jet of flame erupting from the gun?

    Or a foggy one?

    Does it have to be three LED like strips on the side?  Will that be clearly visible from the angle of play players will be seeing this gun most times?

    H or F for me has the best shape language assertion, but I encourage you to explore how many different ways those lights can be communicated.  The magazine shape of G just look awkward to reload and doesn't flow well with the other shapes.

    Why do you have the charge handle ahead of the trigger, btw?

  • wireframefox
    For the charge handle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just seemed like good spot at the time. But I went ahead and moved it closer.

    Made a few different variations of glowing areas on the gun. Also made a few combinations at the end to see how they would look. Some of the designs to away from doing the countdown part, so the glow would just stop after the 3 mins.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I'm liking the floating shards of "glass" idea with H and I.  In a specific pattern, it would make for a fantastically interesting silhouette, like the Promethean Knights in Halo 5.  More shards appear or flare out as the lights spool up.
  • wireframefox
    Sketched out some ideas for the shattered effect all from the front view to get a better idea on how it would look. Also G was the original effect, decided to include that since I still like that look. And I included the previous side design for reference. Also after making a few of these I figured that they would look better on a smaller muzzle, so went with that design.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range

    I vote for F, except flip the trident vertically.

    The internal elements will still need some work.  I'm kind of sad that you just shrugged about the placement of the charge handle; there's a very specific place it tends to be, and it's along the axis of the barrel because it loads the rounds into the chamber from the magazine.  You really should look at real gun anatomy and see how bullpup rifles, like the TAR21, operate.  Really think about where vents SHOULD be, where the ejection for spent casings SHOULD anatomically be.  Once again, if you can't practically justify the placement of  a certain element on the gun, you're not justifying its place there.
  • wireframefox
    I actually did not remember my reason for the placement for it there so that's why I said that. But went through looking into the placement of parts on rifles and spent sometime cleaning up my design. I also liked F for the floating shards, but wanted to keep it the same angle of the shards since it kinda resembles the legendary bird Pokemon Zapdos. And since Zapdos = electricity, which is the power behind a night light. It's a little cheesey hidden gem there :D

    But here is the (hopefully) final design of the Night Light Pulse rifle.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Looks tons better.  You got this.  Block it in.
  • wireframefox
    Finally have the low poly done. Took a little longer than I thought since I forgot how long it takes to model in 3ds Max with only a stylus when using my Surface. I didn't model the shards yet, those will come later as I wanted to focus on getting the gun done first. But here is the low poly! Any C&C before I unwrap and move onto the high poly?

  • wireframefox
    Wanted to post some progress on this. Just finished putting all the base colors on the model, still much to do with the textures before this is done.

  • wireframefox
    So here it is, the final-ish version of the Night Light Pulse Rifle. First time using Marmoset, thinking I'm going to get this when version 3 comes out :) If you want to view the Marmoset Viewer, you can see it on my Artstation

    C&C are always welcome!

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